《Food for thought》Section C PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67587
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1471 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图01
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图02
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图03
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图04
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图05
《Food for thought》Section C PPT-预览图06


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Food for thought》Section C PPT
《Food for thought》Section C PPT 第一部分内容:课前篇自主预习 Ⅰ.知识体系图解  重点词汇 1.__________ v.属于  2.__________ v.(使)(前后)摆动,(使)摇摆  3.__________ n.蜂蜜  4.__________ n.建造,建筑  5.__________ adj.令人高兴的,令人满意的  6.__________ n.厨师  7.__________ adj.方便的,便利的  8.__________ v.确定,发现  9.__________ n.烹饪法,食谱  10.__________ v.写博客 n.博客,网络日志  重点短语 1.put...to test__________ 2.belong to__________ 3.not enough room to swing a cat__________ 4.end up doing__________ 5.catch up__________ 6.bring...up__________ 7.be similar to__________ 8.be adapted to__________ 9.try out__________ 10.in need of__________ 11.pick up__________ 重点句式 My fridge is usually half empty and I’m often too tired to eat much anyway. 写作   饮食 Ⅱ.释义匹配 1.convenient  A.the process of building things such as houses,bridges,roads etc. 2.construction  B.to fight against something or someone that is attacking you 3.resist C.suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty 4.official D.to recognize and correctly name someone or something 5.identify E.someone who is in a position of authority in an organization 答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.D Ⅲ.介(副)词填空 1.They are now discussing when to put the machine _________test.  2.Normal universities belonging _________the Education Department would recruit some students for free.  3.Every time they went dancing they ended_________in a bad mood.  4.They worked _________a break until about eight in the evening.  5.The university has been famous _________medical studies ever since its foundation.  ... ... ... Food for thought PPT,第二部分内容:课堂篇学习理解 1.belong to属于 【课文原句】Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person? 你能猜出哪个冰箱是属于哪个人的吗? 【词汇精讲】 belong to是动词短语,意为“属于,应在某处;适应”。 The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas. 属于联合王国的四个国家在某些领域共同努力。 Those books belong to the library but this is my own. 那些书是图书馆的,但这本是我自己的。 2.end up (尤指经历一系列意外之后)最终处于,到头来 【课文原句】I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day. 最后,我常常把一部分饭留到第二天吃。 【词汇精讲】end up是动词短语,意为“最终处于,到头来,结果为,以……结束”。 The result was that the ship ended up at the bottom of the canal. 结果船最终沉到了运河底。 Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood. 每次他们去跳舞,都会不欢而散。 3.catch up 打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈 【课文原句】Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each other’s days. 一起做饭给了我们一次放松和别后叙谈的机会。 【词汇精讲】本句中的catch up是动词短语,意为“打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈,补做”。 The ladies spent some time catching up on each other’s health and families. 女士们花了点时间叙旧,聊了聊彼此的健康和家庭状况。 During the evenings,the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and maths. 每到晚上,就有孩子来学校补习英语和数学。 4.satisfying adj.令人高兴的,令人满意的  【课文原句】When I get back home,there’s nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner. 当我回家的时候,没有比一顿包含很多肉食的晚餐更让人满意的了。 【词汇精讲】句中的satisfying是形容词,意为“令人高兴的,令人满意的”,可作定语或表语。 There is little doubt that a diet high in fibre is more satisfying. 毫无疑问,高纤维的饮食更能给人带来满足感。 We will provide qualified products and satisfying service for you. 我们将竭诚为您提供最优质的产品和最令人满意的服务。 重点句式 My fridge is usually half empty and I’m often too tired to eat much anyway. 我的冰箱通常一半是空的,我经常太累了以至于无论如何也吃不多。 【句式剖析】 句中too...to do sth意为“太……而不能做某事”,是一个表示否定意义的句型。 She was too excited to say a word when she heard the news. 当她听到这个消息时她激动得说不出话来。 They realized that it was too late to catch the last train. 他们意识到太晚了,赶不上最后一趟火车了。 【句式拓展】 “too...to...”不同搭配下的不同含义: (1)某些形容词与“too...to...”句型连用时,too (=very) 表示肯定的意义。这些形容词多为表示情感的词,如glad,pleased,surprised,delighted,happy,easy,willing,ready,eager,anxious等。 (2)too...to...结构和never或not连用时,表示肯定意义。意为“无论……也不过分;越……越……”。 They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave. 他们看起来太紧张,并且急于离开。 I am only too glad to accept your invitation. 我很乐意接受你的邀请。 高分写作 假如你是李华,最近你的一个外国朋友Peter来信说想了解一些有关中国水饺的情况。根据下列要点写封回信: 1.水饺在人们心目中的地位; 2.水饺的种类和吃法; 3.一些春节期间吃水饺的习俗。 注意: 1.根据提示要点写一篇不少于80词的文章; 2.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。 随堂练习 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It can be _________(令人满意的) to work in the garden.  答案:satisfying 2.The Chinese language has many dialects spoken,yet Mandarin has always been the_________(官方的) language.  答案:official 3.It took him a while to_________(使适应) himself to his new surroundings.  答案:adapt 4.We found the English treacle pudding too good to _________(抵制).  答案:resist 5.A bicycle is often more_________(方便的) than a car in towns.  答案:convenient Ⅱ.短语填空 end up,catch up,pick up,bring up,add up  1.Come over for a chat so we can_________on each other’s news.  答案:catch up 2.Bill was born in Canada but was_________in America.  答案:brought up 3.Don’t play with the typewriter;you could_________breaking it.  答案:end up 4.What do you get when you_________these numbers?  答案:add up 5.If you are in at six this evening,I’ll call by and_________my books.  答案:pick up 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Food for thought PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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