《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67575
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1038 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT-预览图01
《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT-预览图02
《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT-预览图03


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT
《Food for thought》PartⅡ PPT 第一部分内容:语法精讲 一、基本特征感悟 【感悟用法】 1.Luckily,he was able to escape from the big fire in the end. 幸运的是,他终于逃出了大火。 2.I daren’t say that.Dare you go with me?(肯定回答:Yes,I dare.否定回答:No,I dare not.)我不能那样说。你敢跟我一起去吗? 3.She has to help with the washing.她得帮忙洗衣服。 4.You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿。 5.You needn’t do it again.你不需要再做了。  二、主要用法精讲 1.be able to (1)be able to强调通过努力而获得的能力。 He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes,too. 几小时之后,他也能用英语唱这首歌。 (2)be able to强调一种结果。 After many years of hard work,he was able to pay off all his debts. 经过多年的努力,他终于还清了债务。 (3)be able to 可以有各种时态。 He is/was/will be able to help you.他能帮你的忙。 2.dare dare作情态动词时后面接动词原形(不带to的动词不定式)。 How dare you say that?你怎么能那样说呢? If he dare break the rule,he will be punished. 如果他敢违反规则,他将受到惩罚。 3.have to (1)have to的陈述句形式 A.肯定式:have to+动词原形 I have to tidy my room.我得整理房间。 B.否定式:don’t (doesn’t)+have to+动词原形 You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去。 He doesn’t have to stay at home all day.他不必整天待在家里。 (2)have to 的一般疑问句形式及简略答语 have to的一般疑问形式必须借助助动词 do 或 does: Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看你妹妹吗? Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.是的,我得照看。/不,我不必照看。 Does Jim have to do his homework?吉姆必须做家庭作业吗? Yes,he does./ No,he doesn’t.是,他必须做。/不,他不必做。 (3)have to 的特殊疑问句形式 What do you have to do on Sundays?在星期天你得干什么? Why does she have to move to Paris?她为什么得迁往巴黎? 4.had better (1)其意为“最好”“应该”,后接动词原形,与情态动词should用法相似,其中的had通常缩略为’d: We had better go before it rains.我们最好在下雨前就去。 (2)had better构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前: I had better not disturb him.我最好别去打扰他。 What had we better do?我们最好怎么办? ... ... ... Food for thought PPT,第二部分内容:即学即练 补全句子 1.With the firefighters’ help,the girl ________________________________. 在消防队员的帮助下,那个女孩能够从火里逃了出来。 2.Where do they _______________________________________________? 他们必须在哪里工作? 3.Tomorrow you __________________________________________________. 明天你最好按时来这儿。   4.How __________________________ without your teacher’s permission? 未经你老师允许,你怎么敢进实验室? 5._____________________________ in the form? 他们需要填表吗? 6.You ______________________________________________when he asked. 当他问的时候,你其实不必要说。   关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Food for thought PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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