《Food for thought》Period Four PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67578
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:699 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Food for thought》Period Four PPT-预览图01
《Food for thought》Period Four PPT-预览图02
《Food for thought》Period Four PPT-预览图03


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Food for thought》Period Four PPT
《Food for thought》Period Four PPT 第一部分内容:语法导学 语法感知 感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题 1....I was able to hold a knife and fork—and chopsticks! 2.But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. 3....Mum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen! 4....we’d better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies... 5.“You needn’t try it if you don’t want to,”Mum said... Choose the meanings to the words in blue above. A.Be afraid to do something. B.Not be necessary to do something. C.Give advice to do or not to do something. D.Be necessary or give strong advice to do something. E.Have the ability to do something. 1.___ 2.___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___     语法精析 一、基本特征 1.情态动词有一定的词义,不能单独作谓语,需和实义动词或系动词一起作谓语。 She can speak English though she is six.尽管她才6岁,但她会说英语。 2.情态动词一般无人称和数的变化,个别情态动词有现在时和过去时两种时态变化。 They must be in the classroom.他们一定在教室里。 3.构成否定句时,not放在其后面。 The young man can’t carry the big stone.这个年轻人搬不动那块大石头。 4.情态动词后接动词原形。 You will do as I told you.你得照我说的去做。 二、基本用法 1.can与be able to (1)can只有现在时和过去时(could),而be able to则有更多的时态变化,在将来时、完成时和非谓语动词中只能用be able to。 (2)can一般指自身具有的能力,而be able to则表示经过一段时间的努力后所具有的能力,相当于manage to do或succeed in doing。 (3)在否定结构中was/were able to与could没有区别。 This time I failed in the exam,but I’ll be able to pass the exam next time. 这次我考试不及格,但下次考试我能及格。(经过努力) She ran fast but she couldn’t/wasn’t able to catch the bus. 她跑得很快可还是没能赶上公交车。 2.need的用法 (1)need作情态动词时,后跟动词原形,表示“需要,有必要”,无人称和数的变化,多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中。 —Need I finish the work today? —Yes,you must/have to./No,you needn’t. ——我需要今天干完这活吗? ——是的,你必须干完。/不用,你不必干完。 There’s plenty of time.You needn’t drive so fast. 时间很充足,你不必开这么快。 注意:由need引起的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定回答常用needn’t。 (2)作实义动词 need作实义动词时,后可接名词、动名词、不定式等,有人称、时态和数的变化。 The bike needs repairing. =The bike needs to be repaired. 这辆自行车需要修理。 ... ... ... Food for thought PPT,第二部分内容:达标检测 Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词或所给动词的正确形式填空 1.We _______ choose between staying at home and taking a trip. 2.Some classmates suggest we _______ go to places of interest nearby. 3.I _______ have worried before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me. 4.I didn’t know whether he _______ say that to him. 5.You’d better _______ (do) it all by yourself. 6.—Need I hand in my paper now? —Yes,you            . 7.The car is so dirty.It needs _____________________ (clean). Ⅱ.完成句子 8.I will _____________________ in three years.三年后我将能讲英语。 9.I’m afraid you ______________ such a thing.恐怕你不敢做这样的事。 10.Do I ______________ my telephone number and address? 我有必要把电话和地址留下吗? 11.Given his health condition,we_____________________ . 考虑到他的身体状况,我们最好不要让他去那里了。 12.It was raining outside;we_____________________. 外面在下雨,我们不得不待在家里。 13.If ______________,please go outside.如果你非得抽烟,请到外面去吸。 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Food for thought PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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