《Food for thought》SectionA PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67571
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:3236 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Food for thought》SectionA PPT课件-预览图01
《Food for thought》SectionA PPT课件-预览图02


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Food for thought》SectionA PPT课件
外研版高中英语必修二《Food for thought》SectionA PPT课件,共86页。 语言知识讲练 高 频 词 语 1. thanks to 幸亏,多亏,由于 【典例促记】 ⊙Thanks to this, Dad has come to love hot pot! (P2) 正因为如此,爸爸已经逐渐爱上了火锅! ⊙He is unable to travel much because of old age. 他年事已高,不能频繁出游。 ⊙He lost his job as a result of the mistake. 由于这次错误,他的工作丢掉了。 2. dare v. 敢;敢做 modal verb 胆敢,敢于 【典例促记】 ⊙But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother.(P2) 但是,即使是在与我母亲结婚多年之后,还有一些菜是爸爸不敢尝试的。 ⊙Let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream. 放飞你的想象力,要敢于梦想。 ⊙How dare you say that? 你怎么敢说那样的话呢? 3. marriage n. 婚姻;结婚 【典例促记】 ⊙(2019•天津)I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn’t manage it. 我本想送给彼得一份礼物来祝贺他结婚,但我做不到。 ⊙I am related to her by marriage. 我和她有姻亲关系。 ⊙We have been married for 14 years. 我们已经结婚14年了。 长 用 句 式 1. “No,” the butcher said, pulling at his own ears,_“just these ordinary ones.” (P3) “没有,”屠夫拉着自己的耳朵说,“只有这些普通的耳朵。” 【典例促记】 ⊙We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, thinking that all children like these things. (think的逻辑主语是we) 我们经常为孩子们提供玩具、足球或篮球,认为所有的孩子都喜欢这些东西。 ⊙He died, leaving his wife with five children. (leave的逻辑主语是he) 他死了,留下他的妻子和五个孩子。 2. People say that one man’s meat is another man’s poison, but I feel at home with food from both my cultures.(P3) 人们常说,一个人的佳肴可能是另一个人的毒药,但中英两种文化中的食物我都喜欢。 【典例促记】 ⊙People say that she is as effective as God, bringing the dying back to life. =She is said to be as effective as God, bringing the dying back to life. =It is said that she is as effective as God, bringing the dying back to life. 据说她能妙手回春。 ... ... ... 关键词:Food for thought PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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