《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件7

  • 2024-07-05
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:55046
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:884 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件7-预览图01
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件7-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语九年级全册《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件7
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件7 你可能遗忘了的词 pretty even almost  relaxed  important     impolite rush  mind   arrive   enjoy plan spend invite expect  avoid call  bit   side  center  traffic everyday  life lives without   as  or  ... ... ... Answer the questions according to the passages in 3a. 1. Is it OK if people in Colombia arrive a bit late for a friend’s dinner? 2. Who are pretty relaxed about time, Colombians or Swiss people? 3. Colombians usually make plans to meet friends, don’t they ? 4. What are you supposed to do if you want to visit your friends in Switzerland?                           5. What do people in Switzerland think of time? ... ... ... Fun time: What’s wrong with Bob? A: Hi, Bob. Did you have a good time at Zhang’s birthday party? B: Oh, yes. But I was a bit unhappy about the way they treated my present. I gave Zhang the latest tapes from the U.K. as a birthday present when I got inside the door and what do you think happened? A: What? B: Nothing. They only said thank you, but then just put them away in a corner. I really didn’t know why. Didn’t they like them? A: Oh, That’s misunderstanding. In the west, it’s regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation(感谢). But in China, if you did that, you might be thought greedy (贪婪的). So Chinese people didn’t open the gifts until  the visitors have left. ... ... ... 关键词:《You are supposed to shake hands》教学课件,人教版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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