《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10

  • 2024-07-05
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:55037
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:374 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10-预览图01
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10-预览图02
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语九年级全册《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10
《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件10 Table Manners 餐桌礼仪 There are many table manners around the world. But different countries have different manners. In China, you are not supposed to eat with your hands. In China, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. stick….into….把…插入…里 ... ... ... 1a.How much do you know about table manners around the world?Take the following quiz测试. Circle T for ture or F for false after each sentence. Stick to your dream ,you’ll succeed. 坚持你的梦想,你就会成功。(stick---stuck—stuck.) 1. In India, you’re supposed to eat with your hands. 2. In China, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. 3. In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first. 4. In France, you are supposed to put your bread on the table. 5. In China, it’s impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl. ... ... ... listen again and fill in the blanks. A. You’re not supposed to talk B. It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food  C. you’re not supposed to start eating first D. You shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks E. Children are not allowed to speak F. Only parents are expected to talk  Yang Ming: You must be excited about leaving for China tomorrow, Steve!  Steve: Yeah, but I’m a little nervous, too.  Yang Ming: Why?  Steve: Well, for one thing, I don’t know how to use chopsticks very well ... and I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.  Yang Ming: Oh, I see. Well, one important thing is that 1. _______ if there are older people at the table. Steve: That’s interesting. In the United States, it doesn’t matter. Yang Ming: Yeah, I know. 2. _______. 3. _______, either. Steve: Oh, OK. Yang Ming: Oh, and there’s one more thing you need to know. 4. ______when you’re eating dinner. 5. _______. Steve: Wow! That’s … that’s unusual!  Yang Ming: Haha, I’m just kidding开玩笑! ... ... ... 2b Read and answer the questions. 1.Why is Lin Yue in France? Because she is on her student exchange program. 2.Does she enjoy staying with her host family? How do you know? Yes, she does. She says her host family is really nice. 3. How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French? It doesn’t worry her like it used to. 4. What is the biggest challenge she is facing? Learning how to behave at the dinner table. ... ... ... 2c Read the sentences and replace the underlined words with the phrases in the box. 1. Making mistakes in French used to make Lin Yue nervous. 2. It was quite hard for her to feel good about speaking French. 3. The host family tried very hard to help Lin Yue. 4. Lin Yue has slowly learned how to be like her French friends. ... ... ... Do you know about the table manners in other countries? Japan  It is OK to make noise when you eat noodles. It shows that you like the food.  It’s important to say traditional phrases of thanks before and after a meal. Eat sushi whole. Dip the fish part rather than the rice into soy sauce. Russia  Keep your hands in sight. It is not good manners to rest them on your lap. Keep your elbows off the table. Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enough to eat. Or the host will ask if you’d like to have a second helping. It’s polite to mop up excess sauce or gravy with bread. ... ... ... Homework  1.课后阅读短文2b,试着复述短文。 2.根据2e,写一篇短文关于中国和法国不同的餐桌礼仪。 关键词:《You are supposed to shake hands》教学课件,人教新目标版九年级全一册英语PPT课件下载,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《You are supposed to shake hands》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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