《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54082
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:668 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15-预览图01
《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15-预览图02
《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语八年级上册《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15
《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件15 Where did you go on vacation? went to the mountains went to the beach  visited the museums visited my uncle Role-play the conversation. Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? ... ... ... 1.Did you buy anything special? 2.Did you meet anything/anyone interesting? 在英语中,anything, something, nothing和everything是用于指代事物的复合不定代词,与之相对应的复合不定代词anyone, someone, no one和everyone (anybody, somebody, nobody和everybody) 用于指人。与形容词连用时,形容词必须置于复合不定词之后,语法上称作“后置”。 例如:I can see someone new in your group. There’s nothing interesting in the news(新闻) today. 2. Did you go anywhere interesting? anywhere意为“在任何地方”,常用于一般疑问句或否定句中,代替somewhere。例如: I can’t find my keys anywhere. 我到处找不到我的钥匙。 3. We took quite a few photos there. a few 意为“一些,若干(=some)”,后跟可数名词复数形式。 quite a few 意为“相当多;不少(=many)”后跟可数名词复数形式。 例如: A few girls are playing volleyball. 几名女孩正在打排球。 There are quite a few birds in the forest.  在那片森林里有大量的鸟。 ... ... ... Exercise 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. Did he go out with _________ (任何人)? 2. They didn’t buy _______ _______ (特殊的东西) there  yesterday.  3. Tell us __________ __________ (有趣的事情) about your vacation, Jenny.  4. They caught _______ ___ _____ (相当多的) insects in the forest.  5. _____ __ ___ (大多数) students can get to school early.  ... ... ... taste 尝起来+adj   每样东西尝起来真的很美味。 Everything tasted really good。 be excellent in sth. 表示在…….方面极好 I am excellent in English. 我在英语方面很优秀。 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun  + v.ing 玩的开心,过的愉快 ... ... ... 巩固练习:用不定代词或不定副词填空 1. I can’t hear anything = I can hear ________. 2. There is _______ on the floor. Please pick it up. 3. Did _____   go to play basketball with you ? 4. I phoned you last night, but _______ answered it. 5. I don’t think _________ telephoned. 9. Don’t worry. There’s _____ wrong with your ears. 10. There’s ________ in the box. It’s empty. 11. Maybe ________ put my pencil ________.  I can’t find it _________. ... ... ... 1.和某人一起走    go with someone 2.和某人一起出去   go out with someone  3.去纽约   go to New York City 4.买一些不寻常的东西   buy something special 5.见一些有趣的人   meet someone interesting  6.为…而学习   study for 7.做一些有趣的事   do something interesting 8.去中心公园   go to Central Park 9.好久不见   long time no see 10.在度假   be on vacation 关键词:《Where did you go on vacation?》教学课件,人教新目标版八年级上册英语PPT课件下载,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Where did you go on vacation?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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