《Don't eat in class》PPT课件7

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53856
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:183 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Don't eat in class》PPT课件7-预览图01
《Don't eat in class》PPT课件7-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《Don't eat in class》PPT课件7
《Don't eat in class》PPT课件7 学 习 重 点 单词: out, practice, dish, before 短语: go out, do the dishes 句型: 1. ---Can we eat in the classroo?  ---No, we can’t, but we can eat in the dining hall. 2. ---Does he have to wear a uniform at school?      ---Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. 3. ---What do you have to do?  –-We have to be quiet in the library. ... ... ... 预 习 检 测 一、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。(这些都是黑体单词,要好好记住哦。) 1. ______ adv. 外出 2. ______ v. /n. 练习 3. ______ n. 碟;盘 4. ______ prep.& conj. 在……之前 二、请认真阅读课本,找出以下短语。 5. 外出_____ 6. 清洗餐具 ______  7. 晚餐前______ 8. 在上学的日子里______ 9. 在上学期间的晚上______ 10. 做早餐______ 11. 打扫房间______ 12. 练习钢琴______ ... ... ... 思 考 探 究 must和have to的区别: 1. must表示主观上的必须,而have to侧重客观上的必要性。如: You must go to school now. 你必须现在就上学。 I have to stay at home and look after my grandmother. 我必须呆在家照顾我奶奶。 2. must的否定形式mustn’t表示禁止,不许;have to的否定形式don’t/doesn’t have to表示不需要,不必要。 3.must和have to都是情态动词,都接动词原形,must无人称和数的变化,而have to有时态和人称的变化。 ... ... ... practice的意思及用法: practice作及物动词,意为“训练,练习”,后接名词、代词和_______作宾语,如practice playing the guitar;它还可作不可数名词,意为“练习,实践”。 练习: 1. 我们经常练习画画。 We often _____________. 2. 她每天练习弹钢琴。 She_______every day. 3. 讲英语需要多加练习。 Speaking English needs a lot of ______. 4. 熟能生巧。_______makes perfect. ... ... ... 一、单项选择 (    ) 1. Don’t ___ TV for a long time. A. watch B. watches  C. Watching   D. to watch (    ) 2. Gina often helps her mother ___ the dishes. A. Do    B. does    C. doing    D.to does (    ) 3. —___ you have to go to school today?    — No, we don’t. A. Are   B. Can    C. Do   D. Does (    ) 4. Students have to __ the classroom every day.  A. clean   B. cleans   C. cleaning    D. to clean (    ) 5. I usually practice __ violin in the morning. A. playing the    B. play the  C. to play the    D. playing ... ... ... 二、根据所给中文写出适当单词。 6. Tom must come back ___________ (在…以前) 10:00. 7. You can listen to music __________(在外面). 8. There are many________(规则)in our school. 9. It’s ________(重要的) for people to eat breakfast every day. 10. You need to say ______(抱歉的) to your friend. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 11. You must do the ______(dish) before you go out. 12. He often helps me ________(clean) the classroom. 13. What are the ______(rule)? 14. We have to ______ (be) quiet in the library. 15. We can’t ______(eat) in the hallways. 关键词:《Don't eat in class》教学课件,人教新目标版七年级下册英语PPT课件下载,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Don't eat in class》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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