《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53861
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:1103 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2-预览图01
《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2-预览图02
《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2
《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件2 默写短语 1.外出            2.和朋友见面 3.练习吉他     4.清洗餐具 5.看电视        6.帮助妈妈做早餐 7.打扫他的房间    8.穿一件制服 9.保持安静     10.做他的作业 Objectives To learn to write rules at home and school  To learn to use have to/must, can and can’t  Think about it  What are the rules in your house?  Look at the following pictures and say the rules. ... ... ... When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to?  Your good fiend? Your father? Your mother? cousin? teacher? Task 3 Read again and answer. 1. Is Molly Brown happy? Why or why not? No, she isn’t.  Because she has many rules in her family. 2. When does she have to get up every morning? She has to get up at six o’clock. 3. Can she play basketball after school?  Why? No, she can’t.  Because she must do her homework.  4. Can she watch TV after dinner? No, she can’t. She must read a book before she can watch TV. 5. When does she have to go to bed? She has to go to bed before ten o’clock. ... ... ... 2c Task 4 Read the letters again. Complete the sentences with have to/must, can or can’t. 1. Molly ____ play basketball on school days, but she ___ play it on weekends. 2. Molly ____ do her homework first when she gets home. 3. Molly ____ read a book after dinner before she ___ watch TV. 4. At school, Molly ____ be noisy or eat in class.  5. Parents and schools make rules to help students. So students ______ follow the rules. ... ... ... Discussion  If you’re Dr Know, what suggestions (建议, 意见) would you like to give Molly Brown? Please discuss in groups of four, then tell the class your suggestions. Show time What are the rules in your house?  And are you happy? Please tell the class about them. ... ... ... Language points 1. Dear Dr. Know  Dr.为doctor(博士;医生;医师)一词的缩写形式,放于姓氏之前,表示对人的尊称。Dr.采用的是首尾缩写法,取首字母和词尾字母将单词进行缩写。 2.There are too many rules! 1)there are表示“有”。 There be是英语中常用句型,意思是 “有”,表示“人或事物的存在”。 要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用 “There be+名词+地点(时间) ”这一句型。 have和there be:  have与there be 都有“有”的意思。 ① have用来表示“某人拥有某物”。如: I have a good friend.  我有一位好朋友。 ②there be“某地有某物”。 ... ... ... 写作指导 1. 先对3b中自己所写的在校及在家的规则进行整理,将在家里的规则及在学校里的规则分别放在一起。 2. 先将在家里的规则写成一段连贯的文字,再将在学校里的规则写成一段连贯文字,表明自己对这些规则的感受。 3. 注意开头可写“Can you help me? ”来表明自己求助的目的。并注意写清自己求助的原因。 4. 按书信的写作格式,写好开头及结尾。并再将整个信件再通读一遍。 Homework 1. Retell the story of Timmy the  Mouse to your parents at home. 2. If you are Dr. Know. Write a short letter to Zhao Pei. ... ... ... 下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。 1. I have to in bed by 10:00 every night.__________ 2. The children never have some fun at school.  ____________ 3. Simon can’t go out at school nights.__________ 4. I’m busy today. There is too many work._____________ 5. You can’t have to wear your uniform at home. __________ 根据汉语提示补全英语句子,每空一词。 1. Can you come back ___ ____ _______  (十点之前)? 2. We can’t _____ _______(大声讲话) in the meeting hall. 3. She has to clean the room and _____ ______ _______ (洗衣服). 4. Wow, there are ____ _____ ______ (太多书) in the room. 5. How about going to the music club to ______ ____ _____ (学习弹吉他)? 关键词:《Don’t eat in class》教学课件,人教版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Don’t eat in class》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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