《Information Technology》Section Ⅳ PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67858
    • 版本:北师大版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:2095 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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北师大版(2019)英语必修第二册《Information Technology》Section Ⅳ PPT
《Information Technology》Section Ⅳ PPT 第一部分内容:课文语篇研读 Pre-reading 1.Discussion—Do you think the Internet helps or harms friendships? Why? 2.Prediction—Read the titles and predict what the blog posts are probably about. While-reading 1.First reading—Read the two blog posts and find out the topic sentence of each argument. Blog Post One: Argument 1:____________________________________________________________ Argument 2:____________________________________________________________ Argument 3:____________________________________________________________ Blog Post Two: Argument 1:____________________________________________________________ Argument 2:____________________________________________________________ Argument 3:____________________________________________________________ 2.Second reading—Read the two blog posts carefully and choose the best answer. (1)What enable us to develop lifelong friendships? A.Communicating through a screen. B.Social skills developed through direct contact. C.Talking online. D.Advice from some parenting experts. (2)Friendships are built on ________. A.the basis of trust B.online communication C.online popularity D.the number of likes (3)The Internet can develope friendship through the following Except ________. A.making communication more fun B.bringing people closer to each other C.making communication much more convenient D.spending too much time on the Internet ... ... ... 网络流行词汇 1.投票:poll 2.引用:quote  3.帖子置顶:sticky 4.头像:avatar 5.签名:signature 6.网友见面:user eye-D   7.即时通讯(聊天)软件:instant messenger (IM) 8.博客圈: blogosphere 9.冲浪: surf 10.个人资料:personal profile ... ... ... 如何找主题句和支持性细节句 A topic sentence states the general idea or the main point of a text or paragraph.Supporting details give more information about that idea. 1.Read the text to get a general idea of what it is about. 2.Identify one sentence in the text that states this general idea.This is the topic sentence. 3.Read the text again.Look for extra information that supports the topic sentence, e.g., examples, reasons.These are the supporting details. ... ... ... Information Technology PPT,第二部分内容:语言现象感知 Ⅰ.单词理解 体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义 1.Images really cannot replace a real-life smile or hug.__________________ 2.How many“likes” did I get?____________ 3.In addition, a lot of the content posted on social media is shallow or trivial.________________________ 4.Nowadays, your friends are just a click away.____________ Ⅱ.词块积累 写出下列词块的含义 1.face-to-face contact____________ 2.communicate through a screen____________ 3.show kindness to others____________ 4.lifelong friendships____________ 5.online popularity____________ 6.maintain healthy relationships________________ 7.stay in touch with friends____________ 8.on the move ____________ 9.bring people closer to each other____________ 10.provide useful suggestions_________________ Ⅲ.句式欣赏 1.动名词短语作主语 Communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others. 2.强调句型 It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships. 3.现在分词短语作状语 Using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer, you can be in contact at home and also when you are on the move. ... ... ... Information Technology PPT,第三部分内容:课时基础过关 Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.He forced himself to ____________(关注)his thoughts on work. 2.The company’s market share is 48 ____________(百分比)in the marketplace. 3.The true concept of mobile phones has disappeared, and now we have ____________(智能手机). 4.Gardening is a very ____________(有益的)pastime. 5.They put their arms around each other and ____________(拥抱). 6.In ____________ (add) to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 7.The ____________ (argue) among the two parties was blown up by the press. 8.____________ (create) thinking is the soul and the core of human being’s creation activities. 9.Lack of cash is a ____________ (limit) factor. 10.Would you ____________ (brief) introduce yourself? Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1.Eating too much sugar will ________________________  (对……有害) kids’ teeth. 2.We ____________ all ______________(担心) her safety. 3.________________(另外), he sometimes uses my things without permission. 4.________________(在我看来), what he said is not true at all. 5.People should ________________(关注)collaborative learning rather than individual learning. Ⅲ.句式语境仿写 1.First, talking online is no replacement for face-to-face contact. 首先,网上聊天不能代替面对面的接触。 [仿写] 做早操对你的健康有好处。 __________________________ is good for your health. 2.Online relationships may not be what they appear to be. 网络关系可能不是看上去的那样。 [仿写] 他已经成为了他10年前想成为的。 He has become _____________________ten years ago. 3.The Internet has also made communication more fun. 互联网也已经使交流变得更加有趣。 [仿写] 我们将会使我们的国家越来越美丽。 We will ______________________________________. ... ... ... 记单词 Ⅰ.一言串记多义词 The little boy was always working hard to be the focus of the teachers’ attention.But this time the noise made it hard for him to focus on his study. 这个小男孩总是努力学习想成为老师关注的焦点。但是这次噪音让他无法集中注意力学习。 Ⅱ.词缀助记派生词 1.形容词后缀:-ing,-ive reward(v.)→rewarding(adj.) create(v.)→creative(adj.) 2.名词后缀:-tion,-age add(v.)→addition(n.) percent(n.)→percentage(n.) 3.副词后缀:-ly brief(adj.)→briefly(adv.) Ⅲ.合成词一族 per+cent→percent smart+phone→smartphone 句型公式 1.动名词短语作主语 2.what引导的表语从句 3.“make+宾语+宾补”结构 ... ... ... Information Technology PPT,第四部分内容:课文整体突破 重点单词 1.harm vt.& n.伤害,损害 harmful adj.有害的 Do you think the Internet helps or harms friendships?(教材P14) 你认为互联网有助于友谊还是有害于友谊? [合作探究] 体会harm及其派生词的用法和意义 Your smoking can do harm to/be harmful to the health of your children. 你吸烟会危及孩子的健康。 There is no harm in apologising to him first.先向他道歉没有什么坏处。 It is harmful to your health to drink too much.过量喝酒对你的身体有害。 [自主发现] ①do harm ____________... 损害…… ②There is no harm in ____________ sth  做某事是个好主意(或没有坏处) ③be harmful ____________  对……有害 [巩固内化] 完成句子 ①She has got into the bad habit of reading in the bed,______________________________. 她养成了在床上阅读的坏习惯,这对她的眼睛有害。 ②Playing computer games will not only ________________ your physical health,but it ________________ your mental health.So ________________ advising you to give it up. 玩电脑游戏不仅对身体健康有害,还对精神健康有害,因此建议你放弃玩电脑游戏是没有害处的。 2.replace vt.取代;接替;把……放回原处 Firstly,talking online is no replacement for face-to-face contact—images really cannot replace a real-life smile or hug.(教材P15)首先,网上交谈不能取代面对面接触,图像真的无法取代现实生活中的微笑或拥抱。 [合作探究] 体会replace的用法和意义 It is generally believed that teachers will never be replaced by/with computers in class.人们普遍认为课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。 John is ill and I want to know who is going to take the place of him/take his place. 约翰病了,我想知道谁将代替他。 [自主发现]  ①replace sth ____________ sth  用……替换…… ②take the place ____________ sb=take one’s place  代替;替代 [巩固内化] (1)单句语法填空 ①They replaced their beloved old car ____________ an expensive new sports car. ... ... ... 核心短语 1.be concerned with 关心…… For example,instead of having proper conversations with their friends,some people are only concerned with their online popularity—How many “likes” did I get?(教材P15)例如,一些人不再和朋友进行有效地交谈,他们只关心自己网上的人气——我得了多少个“赞”? [短语记牢] 记牢下列短语 as/so far as sb/sth be concerned在某人看来,就某人/某事而言 be concerned about/for  对……担心/担忧/焦虑/关心/挂念 concern oneself with/about sth  关心某事,担心某事 ①As far as I’m concerned,it’s necessary to figure out the cost first. 在我看来,先计算出成本是有必要的。 ②We should be concerned about their health—both physical and mental health. 我们应该关心他们的健康——身体健康和心理健康。 [巩固内化] 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①The meeting was concerned ____________ reforms and everyone present was concerned ____________ their own interests. ②Generally speaking,grammar is ____________ (concern) with the relations between words in sentences. ③_________________________,it’s important for us to protect wild animals. 在我看来,我们保护野生动物是重要的。 2.in addition除此之外 In addition, a lot of the content posted on social media is shallow or trivial.(教材P15)另外,在社交媒体上发布的很多内容都是肤浅的和琐碎的。 [短语记牢] 记牢下列短语 in addition to 除……之外 add up  把……加起来 add sth to sth  把……加到/进……里 add up to  加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态) add to  增加;增添 add that...  补充说…… ①These stoves are of high quality.In addition, the price is low. 这些炉子质量上乘。另外,价格低廉。 ②Please add some sugar to the milk to make it more delicious. 请在牛奶里加些糖使牛奶更美味。 ③The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather added to the helplessness of the crew. 船的马达失灵了,而且恶劣的天气增加了全体船员的无助感。 ④He added that he felt very sorry for not being able to come. 他补充说,他为自己不能来表示歉意。 ... ... ... 经典句式 1.According to a parenting expert, Denise Daniels, communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others.(教材P15) 据育儿专家丹尼斯·丹尼尔斯说,通过屏幕交流让孩子更难集中精力或善待他人。 [句式解读] 句中makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show为make复合结构。其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。 [用法总结] (1)make+it+形容词/名词+that从句 ①Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 苏珊清楚地跟我表明她希望为自己创造新的生活。 (2)make+it+形容词/名词+to do不定式 ②The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out. 大雨使得我们无法出去。 (3)常用于这种句型的动词还有:think,consider,find,feel等。 ③He considered it important for him to learn spoken English well. 他认为学好英语口语对他来说是重要的。 ④I find it no use arguing with Bill because he never changes his mind. 我发现与比尔争辩没有用,因为他不会改变主意。 [巩固内化] 单句语法填空/同义句转换 ①He didn’t make ____________ clear when and where the sports meeting would be held. ②People in the west make it a rule ____________ (buy) Christmas presents for their relatives and friends. ③I think it is a good habit to get up early in the morning. →I think ________________ to get up early in the morning. ④We find that it is easy to get along with him. →We find ____________________________. 2.It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships.(教材P15) 正是这些技能才使我们能保持终生的友谊。 [句式解读] 句中“It is...that”为强调句型。其基本结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分”,本句中被强调部分为these skills。 [用法总结]  (1)强调句型的基本结构:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。 ①But rules alone don’t secure an orderly society.It is the people who obey the rules that (who) matter. 但是制度本身不能保证一个有序的社会,遵守规则的人才是重要的。 (2)一般疑问句的强调句型:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分? ②Was it three years ago that he went to America for further study? 他是三年前去美国深造的吗? (3)特殊疑问句的强调句型:疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was+it+that+句子其他部分? ③When was it that you got promoted?你是什么时候升职的? (4)not...until...结构的强调句型:It is/was not until...that... ④It was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan. 直到将近信的结尾她才提及了自己的计划。 ... ... ... Information Technology PPT,第五部分内容:语法整体突破 复合词 一、复合词的书写形式 1.一般情况下在词与词之间要加连字符号,如:good-looking 好看的, sea-sick晕船的,world-famous闻名世界的,seven-year-old七岁的, three-hour三小时的,等等。  2.有些复合词已经完全融为一体,不用加连字符号,如:textbook教科书, schoolmate校友, spokesman发言人, salesgirl女售货员, notebook笔记本, greenhouse温室, breakthrough突破, download下载,policewoman女警察,等等。  3.还有一些情况直接用词组的形式,如:air conditioner空调机,clothes shop服装店,alarm clock闹钟,girl student女学生,等等。 二、复合形容词的构成方法 1.名词+形容词,如:oil-rich含油量多的, duty-free免税的,care-free无忧无虑的, homesick想家的,等等。 2.形容词+形容词,如:bitter-sweet又苦又甜的, light-green浅绿色的, dark-brown深棕色的, freezing-cold寒冷的, burning-hot炎热的,等等。  3.名词+现在分词,如:trouble-making制造麻烦的,law-breaking犯法的, painstaking费力的, time-consuming耗时的, peace-loving热爱和平的, labor-saving省力的,record-breaking破纪录的,等等。 4.名词+过去分词,如:man-made人造的, poverty-stricken贫困的, heart-broken伤心的, snow-covered被雪覆盖的, task-based任务型的, 等等。  5.形容词+现在分词,如: good-looking好看的, easy-going随和的,nice-sounding好听的,等等。  6.形容词+过去分词,这里的过去分词大多是名词加-ed构成的假分词,如:new-born刚出生的, simple-minded头脑简单的, kind-hearted心地善良的,black-eyed黑眼睛的, warm-hearted热心肠的,等等。  7.数词+名词(+形容词),如:four-hour四小时的,100-metre一百米的, four-day为期四天的, five-year-old五岁的,等等。  8.副词+现在分词,如:ever-lasting持续的, far-reaching深远的,oncoming迎面而来的,outgoing外向的,等等。  9.副词+过去分词,如:well-known著名的, newly-built新建的, over-loaded超载的,outspoken直言不讳的,等等。 10.由其他词类或结构转化而来, 如:once-a-week每周一次的,all-round全方位的, round-the-clock二十四小时的, full-time全职的,second-hand二手的,follow-up后继的,underpaid报酬过低的,underweight重量过轻的,heart-to-heart交心的,out-of-work失业的,等等。  ... ... ... 关键词:北师大版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Information Technology PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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