《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67839
    • 版本:北师大版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1280 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT-预览图01
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《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT-预览图03
《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT-预览图04
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《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT-预览图06


北师大版(2019)英语必修第一册《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT
《Celebrations》Section ⅣPPT 第一部分内容:语法基础自测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1.You must chew your food well before you_______(咽下)it. 2.He went into a long explanation of the_______(事件). 3.He_______ (小声说)that he would meet her later. 4.She laid her dress on the bed to keep it_______(整洁的). 5.This length of cloth is enough to make you a_______(套装). 6.He wished them all a_______Christmas and departed early. 7.He was picked out from the whole class to _______ them at the other school. 8.One more_______,and you will get to the top. 9.Do you have any _______ idea to settle the claim? 10.She retains a clear_______of his schooldays. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1._______vt.问候;欢迎;打招呼→greeting n.问候,打招呼 2.appropriate adj.合适的,适当的→ _______adv.合适地,适当地 3.slight adj.略微,稍微→ _______adv.略微,稍微 4.patient adj.有耐心的;有耐力的→ _______n.耐心;耐力 5.behave vi.表现,行为,举止→ _______n.行为,举止 ... ... ... CelebrationsPPT,第二部分内容:核心要点探究 1.  in general 普遍地;大体上,一般来说 (教材P56)What are the rules for attending parties in general? 一般参加聚会的规则是什么? (1)in general=generally=generally speaking (2)in short 总之;简而言之 in brief   简单地说 in public   当众 in vain   徒劳 ①Generally speaking,everyone has a sense of shame. 一般来说,每个人都有羞耻心。 ②In_______,I have made up my mind to quit job. 简单地说,我已经决定辞职了。 ③In_______,I am interested in all of the sports. 简而言之,我对一切运动都感兴趣。 2.  patience n.耐心;耐力 (教材P58)Granny had the patience to sing it over and over. 奶奶有耐心地一遍遍地唱。 (1)with patience=patiently  耐心地 (2)patient adj.   耐心的n.病人 be patient with sb./sth.    对某人/某事有耐心 ①He sat patiently waiting for his turn. =He sat with patience waiting for his turn. 他耐心地坐着等候轮到自己。 ②As a journalist,you should be more patient_______others. 作为一名新闻记者,你应该对别人更耐心点。 ... ... ... CelebrationsPPT,第三部分内容:语法专项突破 动词短语 语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句 1.Take turns to make your speech in front of your group. 2.Granny made an effort to help me. 3.On Christmas Eve,Granny took a seat by the fire as we put up the Christmas tree. 后自主感悟 动词短语指的是_______和介词、副词或_______有关的习惯搭配。不同搭配意义不同,有时一个短语含有多种意义。 1.make短语 make a decision 做出决定 make fun of 取笑某人 make a good effort 作很大努力 make up 编出;编造;组成 make use of 利用  make no difference 对……没有关系;不要紧  make sure of确保;确定  make up one's mind 下决心 make sense 很有意义;讲得通 make a mistake 犯错误 make sure 务必;确信 2.take短语 take after 长相或举止像(某个长辈) take apart 把(小型机器、钟表等)拆开;拆散 take back承认说错了(话),收回(诺言,话语) take down 拿下,取下;记下来 take in 欺瞒,欺骗;充分理解;吸收 take off 脱下,脱去(尤指衣服);(飞机等)升空,起飞;开始有成就;开始受欢迎 ... ... ... CelebrationsPPT,第四部分内容:随堂效果落实 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The island,_______ (join)to the mainland by a bridge,is easy to go to. 2.They asked_______many questions that they confused me. 3.Unfortunately she passed_______in a car accident. 4.Keep an eye_______my suitcase while I buy my ticket. 5.We spoke in_______(whisper)for fear of waking the baby. 6.Her_______(behave)last night was quite out of character. 7.After half an hour,his_______ (patient)began to wear out. 8.We'll spare no effort_______(catch)up with the advanced industrial countries. 9._______(general)speaking,we felt that the plan is practical. 10.Swallows from England go as far_______South Africa. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.吉姆卖了他的大部分东西。他没剩什么在房子里了。 Jim sold most of his things.He has hardly anything_______. 2.他是一位好医生,大家都尊敬并爱戴他。 Dr.Wang is so good______________. 3.他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友。 He ______________to his friends. 4.别再胡闹下去了,你该学学怎么规矩些。 Don't monkey about any more; it's time you ______________________. 5.就我来说,最好吃的菜是牛排。 ______________________,the best dish is steak. 关键词:北师大版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,CelebrationsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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