《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67718
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第三册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:536 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载-预览图01
《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载-预览图02
《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载-预览图03
《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载-预览图04


外研版(2019)英语必修第三册《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载
《Making a Difference》School Life PPT下载 第一部分内容:Learning Targets Key words & phrases:    difference,village,yourself,drop,possible,future,never,make a difference,drop out of school,give up ,in the future  Key sentences: 1.I'm in Grade 7 and I love going to school!  2.Last year,I wanted to give up my studies.  3.With a good education,you can make a difference.  4.  She does not want anyone to drop out of school.  5.  She always helps us in every possible way.  6.  Now,I never miss a day of school.  ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第二部分内容:Words and expressions difference  n. 差异;差别 village  n. 村庄,乡村 education  n. 教育 yourself  pron. 你自己 drop  v. 放弃;停止 possible  adj. 可能的 never   adv. 从来没有;决不 future  n. 未来 ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第三部分内容:Presentation Listen and read. Hello. My name is Hao Tongxin. I live in a small village. I’m in Grade 7 and I love going to school! My school is a “hope” school. Last year, I wanted to give up my studies. I wanted to stay home and help my family. But my teacher said, “With a good education, you can make a difference. You can make a good life for yourself. Then you can help your family, friends and other people, too.” She gave me hope. My teacher is great. She often visits her students and their families. She does not want anyone to drop out of school. She always helps us in every possible way. She is making a big difference in our lives. Now, I never miss a day of school. I want to make a difference in the future --- just like my teacher. ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It! 1. Listen and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Hao Tongxin lives in a big city.      (   ) 2. He wanted to give up his studies lat year.  (   ) 3. His teacher gave him hope.      (   ) 4. His teacher doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school.      (   ) 5. He doesn’t want to make a difference in the future.  (   ) 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box. give up, make a difference, drop out of, in the future Our teachers want us to get a good education. They don’t want us to _______________ school. Don’t ______________ hope. I know you can do it. Yuan Longping did some great things and ______________ in the world. I want to be a doctor and help sick people ______________. ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第五部分内容:Language points 1.I'm in Grade 7 and I love going to school! love doing sth.喜爱做某事。它相当于love to do sth.,但是love doing sth.表示经常性或者习惯性的行为,而love to do sth.表示的是某一次具体的行为。 如:She loves reading books.她喜欢阅读。 I love to swim this afternoon.我喜欢今天下午去游泳。 2.Last year,I wanted to give up my studies.  give up放弃,与stop同义。它既可以单独使用,也可接名词、代词或动名词作其宾语,代词作其宾语时放在give与up之间。 如:We will never give up our dreams.我们永远不会放弃梦想。 I need to tell my father to give up smoking.我需要告诉我爸爸戒烟。 3.With a good education,you can make a difference.  (1)education是名词,意为“教育”。其形容词为educational(有教育意义的,教育的),动词为educate(教育)。 如:Our country's education is very good.我们国家的教育非常棒。 (2)make a difference有所不同,有所作为,产生影响。difference作名词,意为“差异;不同点”。其形容词是different。 如:Do all your best,and you will make a difference!竭尽全力,你会有所作为的! ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第六部分内容:Grammar---频度副词 一、在某一时间段内表示动作发生频率的副词就是频度副词。 常见的频度副词有usually、 sometimes、 always、 often、seldom、never等,它们表示的频率有所不同。 常见的频度副词按频率大小排列如下: always(100%)>usually(80%)>often(70%)>sometimes(50%)>seldom(20%)> never(0%) 二、频度副词在句中的位置 频度副词在句中习惯上位于系动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 (1)在系动词之后。 如:She is sometimes very busy.她有时很忙。 (2)在助动词或情态动词之后。 如:I will never forget this lesson.我将永远忘不了这一课。 (3)在实义动词之前。 如:We often go there.我们常去那儿。 ★sometimes可放在句首、句中或句末,often也可放在句末(一般不放在句首)。 如:Sometimes she writes to me.=She writes to me sometimes.她有时候给我写信。She writes to me often.她经常给我写信。 ★如果有两个助动词,频度副词通常放在第一个助动词后面。 如:We have never been invited to one of their parties.我们从未被邀请去参加他们的聚会。 She must sometimes have wanted to run away.她有时候一定想过要逃走。 ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第七部分内容:Exercises 一、 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。 1. How many ___________ (different) are there between the two pictures? 2. Mary wants his son to get a good___________ (educate) at school. 3. Li Ming, you can make a good life for_________ (you). 4. My key is ______ (miss). Can you help me find it? 5. What’s the _________ (mean) of this new word? 二、单项选择。 1.I have been away from my hometown for a long  time.I really ________ it.    A.lose  B.miss  C.love    D. like 2.—Have you ever been to Beijing? —No,________.(宁夏中考) A.never B.ever  C.always D.sometimes ... ... ... Making a DifferencePPT,第八部分内容:Summary 1. Learned some new words and phrases. 2. Learned to use always,usually,often,sometimes and never correctly. 3.Learned how to talk about people who  made a difference to you. Homework 1. Review and recite the imporant points of Lesson 15.  2. Write  a  passage about a  person  who made a difference  in  your life. 3. Preview Lesson 16. 关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Making a DifferencePPT下载,School LifePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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