《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67654
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1288 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT-预览图01
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT-预览图02
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT-预览图03
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT-预览图04
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT-预览图05


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT
《Stage and screen》SectionⅡPPT 第一部分内容:新知感悟 重点单词 阅读词汇 (在不认识的单词前划√) □applaud v.    □romantic adj. □comedy n.  □documentary n. □episode n.  □plot n.  □turkey n.      □fictional adj. 写作词汇 1. ____________ adj.  感谢的,感激的 2.____________ v.  控制(感情),克服(困难) 3.____________ adj.  短暂的 4.____________ v.  (从危险或糟糕的处境中)逃离,逃避,摆脱 5. ____________ n.  程度 6.____________ adj.  紧张的;不舒适的 7.____________ adj.  正常的,平常的 拓展词汇 8. ____________ adv.极度,极其→extreme adj.极度的 9.____________ adj.专心致志的→absorb v.吸收;吸引;使专心 10.____________ adv.完全地,绝对地→absolute adj.绝对的;完全的;确实的 11.____________ adj.有吸引力的,有趣的→appeal v.呼吁;恳请;有吸引力;有感染力 12.____________ adv.确切地,肯定地→definite adj.明确的 重点短语 1. ____________________   熬夜 2.____________________  迫不及待地做某事 3.____________________  表演(节目) 4.____________________  浪费时间 5.____________________  常常;时常 6. ____________________   导致 7.____________________  符合(标准),不负(盛名) 8.____________________  在某种程度上 9.____________________  凭借自己,靠自己 10.____________________  除……之外 重点句型 1.if so句式:Good movies need good stories. _______ (如果这样), why has one of the earliest and greatest works in Western storytelling, Homer’s The Odyssey, never had an equally great movie based on it? 2.with +宾语+宾补:This is something that even the highly successful Harry Potter movies can’t escape from, ________________________________ (因为书迷们感到失望) not to see some of their favourite characters in the movie versions. ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第二部分内容:语篇理解 Read the passage on Pages 44-45 and choose the best answer. 1.What does the author want to talk about in this article? A.We shouldn’t judge a movie by the rules of its book version. B.Books are better than their movie versions. C.Movies have more impressed characters than books. D.Movies always make us disappointed. 2.What’s the function of Paragraph 2? A.To raise the reader’s cultural awareness. B.To prove good movies need good stories. C.To further confirm that good books always end up being turned into bad movies. D.To show that movies need impressive images. 3.From Paragraph 3, we can know that     . A.reading a book is a waste of time B.producing a film results in something important lost compared with the book version C.a film only needs less than two hours D.Harry Potter is a great success 4.Why do movies always disappoint us? A.Because they didn’t choose a good theme. B.Because they are often different from those in the books. C.Because they are badly performed. D.Because different audience have different views. ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第三部分内容:词汇精析 1.grateful  adj.感谢的,感激的 (教材P41)Seeing all my family and friends in the audience applaud me, I felt so confident and grateful. 看到观众席上所有的家人和朋友都为我鼓掌,我感到非常自信和感激。 ①She was grateful that her teacher gave her some tips on how to improve English. 她感到感激的是,她的老师给了她一些如何提高英语的建议。 ②She was very grateful to Tom____ his support. 她非常感谢汤姆的支持。 ③We should be grateful_________ (have) a job and always do our best to do it better. 我们应该庆幸自己拥有一份工作,并全力以赴把工作做得更好。 2.  absorbed  adj.专心致志的 (教材P41)As soon as the curtain rose, I was absorbed. 幕布一升起,我就全神贯注。 (1)be/become/get absorbed in 全神贯注于;沉迷于 (2)absorb v.  吸收,理解,使专注 absorb oneself in   全神贯注于 absorb one’s attention  吸引某人的注意 3.  put on  表演(节目);穿上 (教材P42)Each of the contestants put on a wonderful performance—they all really wanted to win! 每个参赛者都表演得很精彩——他们都很想赢! put up  举起;张贴;建造;为……提供食宿 put off   推迟,拖延 put down  放下;记下;镇压 put up with  忍受 put out   熄灭;扑灭;生产 ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第四部分内容:句型精析 if so句式 (教材P44)Good movies need good stories. If so, why has one of the earliest and greatest works in Western storytelling, Homer’s The Odyssey, never had an equally great movie based on it? 好电影需要好故事。如果这样的话,为什么西方叙事史上最早、最伟大的作品之一,荷马的《奥德赛》,从来没有一部同样伟大的电影是根据它改编的呢? 句中If so意为“如果这样的话”,so代替前面句子的肯定内容,构成省略条件句,语意可由上下文得知。 if not   如果不这样的话 if necessary  如果有必要的话 if possible  如果可能的话 if any   如果有的话 if ever   如果曾经有过的话 ①Did you cheat in the exam?If so, you won’t get away with it. 你在考试中作弊了吗?如果是这样的话,你不会逃脱惩罚的。 ②I will go to Beijing this week and, _________, I’ll take my parents. 这个星期我要去北京,如果可能的话,我要带着我的父母一起去。 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Stage and screen PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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