《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67652
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:320 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT-预览图01
《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT-预览图02
《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT-预览图03


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT
《Stage and screen》单元要点回扣PPT 第一部分内容:Ⅰ 重点单词 重点词汇夯实练 1.①As we all know, a generator transforms mechanical energy_____ electricity. ②During the _______________ (transform) of kung fu, it was greatly influenced by Taoism and Zen. 2.①If he can combine his ability _____ hard work, he should be very successful. ②The firm is working on a new product in __________ (combine) with several overseas partners. 3.I’m so grateful _____ all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily. 4.①When something did interest me, I could become_________ (absorb). ②The novel was so __________ (absorb) that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep. 5.①The woman managed to escape _____ the fire with her baby, extremely terrified and exhausted.   ②Obviously I had met him before, but his name__________ (escape) me for the moment. ③He was crossing the street when a man was driving fast towards him and he narrowly escaped _______________ (knock) down. ④He ever had_____ narrow escape from the adventurous sport, so he doesn’t dare to try it again. ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第二部分内容:Ⅱ 重点短语 会书写 1. _______________    追溯到  2._______________         以……开始  3._______________         解释清楚,传达 4._______________         把……转变成…… 5._______________         表演(节目) 6._______________         常常;时常 7._______________         导致 8._______________         符合(标准),不负(盛名) 9._______________         在某种程度上 10._________________    凭借自己,靠自己 会应用 1.Well, maybe it would be easier to _______________ a smaller problem in order to solve more difficult problems. 2.My family has a vase, which is said to _______________ the Ming Dynasty. 3.We tried to________ our point _______, but he just wouldn’t listen. 4.It is true that his father is a world­famous movie star, but Jack becomes famous_____________________. 5._____________________ these problems affected the development of China’s foreign trade. ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第三部分内容:Ⅲ 重点句型 1.until引导时间状语从句 He______________ he was out of breath. 他一直跑到气喘吁吁才停下。 They _____________________ the next day. 他们直到第二天才找到她。 2.if so句式 You should study hard. _______, you can pass the exam. 你应该努力学习。如果这样,你就能通过考试。 ... ... ... Stage and screen PPT,第四部分内容:Ⅳ 单元语法 单句语法填空 1._________ (wear) nineteenth  century  clothes, people walk around. 2._________ (be) sick,I stayed at home. 3.__________________ (work) in the country for three years, he knew how to grow vegetables. 4.I stood there,_________ (take) a book in hand. 5.__________________ (give) such a good chance, he did not let it pass away. 6.The bus was held up by the snowstorm, thus _________ (cause) the delay. 7._________ (see) from the hill, we find the lake looks more beautiful. 8.Not_________ (know) his address, I couldn’t go to see him yesterday. 9._________ (take) a deep breath, they dived into the water. 10._________ (know) all this, he still wants to see it for himself. 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Stage and screen PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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