《Let's celebrate!》Period Two PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67602
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:732 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《Let's celebrate!》Period Two PPT
《Let's celebrate!》Period Two PPT 第一部分内容:基础自测 Ⅰ.重点单词 1. ____________v.向……表示敬意 2. ____________n.龙 3. ____________adj.月球的 4. ____________n.诗人 5. ____________n.收成 6. ____________v.参加,参与 7. ____________v.投票,表决 8. ____________adv.不管,不顾 9. ____________n.(长篇)小说 10. ____________v.认为,看作 11. ____________n.文学 12. ____________n.信封 13. ____________adj.地极的 14. ____________n.顶部 15. ____________n.装饰物 → ____________v.装饰 16.____________n.自由 →____________adj.自由的 掌握规律 巧记单词 equality n.平等+in-(前缀,不,无,非)→inequality不平等 formal adj.正式的+in-→informal adj.非正式的 complete adj.完全的+in-→incomplete adj.不完全的 sensible adj.有知觉的+in-→insensible adj.无知觉的 Ⅱ.核心短语 1.___________________发生;举行 2.___________________增加 3.___________________不管 4.___________________作为……而出名 5.___________________制成 6.___________________以……为基础 7.___________________尽力做某事 8.___________________只要;长达…… 9.___________________把……视作…… 10.___________________多于 ... ... ... Let's celebrate! PPT,第二部分内容:互动探究 重点词汇 1.Dragon Boat Festival celebrations take place in China on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.在中国,端午节的庆祝活动在农历的五月初五举行。 celebration n.庆祝;祝贺;庆典,庆祝活动 ※in celebration of庆祝 ※celebrate v.庆祝,庆贺 (1)Food plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. 食物在许多新年庆祝活动中起着重要作用。 (2)I used it to kill bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate. 我过去常用它来消除坏情绪,使自己感觉好些,也用来庆祝。 [一句多译] (3)他们会做什么来庆祝他们最后的成功? ①What will they do________________their final success?(celebrate) ②What will they do________________their final success?(celebration) [选词填空] celebrate,congratulate (4)We went to the party to______________ his birthday and we also _____________ him on his success this time. take place发生;举行 take the place of代替 take one’s place入座;代替某人 in place of sb. /sth. =in sb. ’s/sth. ’s place代替某人/某物 in place在适当的位置 (5)In recent years,great changes have taken place in my hometown. 近几年,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。 (6)After the chairman ____________,the meeting began. 主席入座后,会议开始了。 经典句式 1.That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year.那就是为什么《圣诞老人的信》对于那些认为圣诞节是一年中一个特殊时刻的人来说是一本完美的书。 ※This/That is why...这/那就是……的原因,why引导的从句表示结果。 ※This/That is because...这/那是因为……,because引导的句子作表语,表示原因。 ※The reason why...is/was that...中that引导的表语从句表示原因,that不可换成because。 (1)Almost everyone can enjoy music.That is why music is so popular. 几乎人人都能欣赏音乐。那就是音乐如此流行的原因。 (2)That’s _____________ you drank too much at the party. 那是因为在晚会上你喝得太多了。 (3)The reason why he didn’t pass the exam was _______ he had never studied hard. 他没有通过考试的原因是他从来没有努力学习过。 2.The letters were Tolkien’s way of keeping Father Christmas alive for his four children,over a period of more than twenty years.这些信是托尔金让他四个孩子的圣诞节老人活了二十多年的方法。 ※more than one+单数名词,意为“不止一个……”,在语意上虽为复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 ※more than+ 基数词 多于;超出相当于over 名词 不仅仅相当于not only 形容词/副词 非常;很相当于very 从句 超出…… ※more...than...比……更……,与其说……倒不如说…… (1)Within six months,more than 25,000 people were using it every day. (2017·全国Ⅱ)  在六个月之内,两万五千多人每天在使用它。 (2)He is more than a friend to me.He is also my teacher. 他不仅是我的朋友,他还是我的老师。 (3)He said that he was _____________________ to help you with your English. 他说他很乐意帮你学习英语。 (4)He is_______lucky _______ clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。 (5)More than one question_______ (be) raised at the meeting yesterday. 在昨天的会议上,不止一个问题被提出。 ... ... ... Let's celebrate! PPT,第三部分内容:达标检测 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.His victory______________(celebrate) with music and dancing. 2.Black people had no chance ________(vote)or choose their leaders many years ago. 3.It is a study________ (base) on observation of a group of 20 patients. 4.It ________ (contain)a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 5.She’s ________ (starve) herself trying to lose weight to keep a slim figure. 6.Lynn’s parents tried to stop her________(see) him. 7.Millions of people survived on a very________(limit)diet in the past. Ⅱ.完成句子 8.Do you know that there is ________________ kind of English? 你知道有不止一种英语吗? 9.They were not cleverer than me,but they ________ their exams. 他们并不比我聪明,但他们却通过了考试。 10.You have made rapid progress;________________ he often helps you. 你进步很快,这是因为他经常帮助你。 11. ________________ he spent so much time searching shops for a shirt ________ he was very particular about his clothes. 他买一件衬衣花费这么多的时间搜索店铺,原因是他对着装特别挑剔。 ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,Let's celebrate! PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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