《A new start》Section ⅢPPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67425
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2207 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT-预览图01
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT-预览图02
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT-预览图03
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT-预览图04
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT-预览图05


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《A new start》Section ⅢPPT
《A new start》Section ⅢPPT 第一部分内容:新知感知·自学导引 Ⅰ.核心单词 1.______n.  乐队 2.______n.  健身房 3.______n.  钢琴 4.______n.  舞台 5.______n.  话题 6.______adj.  敏锐的 7.______n./v.  观点;风景;观看 8.______n./v.  毕业;大学毕业生 9.______n.  机会 10.______v.  认为;(经过考虑)认为 11.______n.  时刻 12.______adj.  特定的 Ⅱ.拓展单词 1.______ v.争论→______ n.辩论;争辩 2.______adj.聪明的→______ n.智力 3.______adj.感到恐惧的→______v.使……害怕→______adj.令人恐惧的 4.______v.挑选→ ______n.挑选;选择 Ⅲ.重点短语 1.______参加 2.______例如 3.______占用 4.______交到一些新朋友 5.______确定地 6.______抬起;举起 7.______尤其,特别 8.______回首;回忆起 9.______ 帮某人的忙,向某人伸出援手 10.______全力以赴 ... ... ... A new startPPT,第二部分内容:文本研析·语篇理解 Read the text on page 9 and choose the best answers. 1.This passage is a conversation between ________. A.an interviewer and Lisa  B.two classmates C.a mother and a child    D.two friends 2.What did Lisa find most useful when she started senior high? A.Orientation Day.       B.School Talk. C.starting a new course.  D.joining a sport team. ... ... ... A new startPPT,第三部分内容:核心突破·互动探究 ►重点单词和短语 1.argue v.争论;辩论  (1)argue for/against  赞成/反对 argue sb. into/out of doing sth.  说服某人做/不做某事 argue with sb. about/over sth.  与某人争辩某事 (2)argument n.  争论 beyond argument  无可争辩 ①It's no use arguing about the question with him for he won't change his opinion. 关于这个问题和他争论是没有用的,他不会改变自己的观点。 ②I couldn't argue her out of going out alone at midnight. 我劝她不要在半夜独自出去,但她不听。, 巧学助记: He argued against smoking, and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health. 他反对吸烟并且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的。 发散思维 相关词组: graduate school   研究生院 graduation certificate  毕业证书 attend the graduation  参加毕业典礼 易错辨析: select指“精选”,是从同类的许多事物或人中仔细辨别后选出最合适的。 Please select a few nice strawberries for your sister. 请给你妹妹精心挑选一些好的草莓。 choose泛指选择,可不带宾语。 We offer a wide range of holidays to choose from. 我们有各种旅游度假方式可供选择。 pick表示随意挑选,通常所指的事项不是很重大,是不太正式的用词。 She picked a piece of cake for herself. 她为自己挑了一块蛋糕。 2.graduate v.毕业 n.大学毕业生 (1)graduate from...  毕业于(……学校) graduate in...  毕业于(……专业) (2)graduation n.  毕业;毕业典礼 ①He graduated in physics from Cambridge University. 他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。 ②He is a Beijing University graduate. 他是北京大学毕业生。 3.moment n.时刻;片刻;时机 at the moment  此刻 for a moment  一会儿 the moment (that)=as soon as  一……就…… ①Everyone has unforgettable moments in his/her life. 生活中,每个人都有难忘的时刻。 ②This is not the best moment to tell him the truth. 这不是告诉他真相的最佳时机。 ③The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope. 我一见到他就知道没希望了。 ... ... ... ►重点句型 (教材P7)To help them do this, some senior high schools offer courses in time management. 为了帮助他们做到这一点,一些高中为学生提供时间管理课程。 本句为不定式在句中作目的状语,表示“为了……”。 ①To catch the early flight, they got up at five o'clock. 为了赶早趟航班,他们5点钟就起床了。 ②You need a special pen to draw maps properly. 为了画出合适的地图,你需要一支特别的笔。 [即学即练] 一句多译 为了及时到达,我们将早出发。 (1)__________________.(不定式作目的状语) (2)__________________ .(in order to) (3)__________________.(so that), ... ... ... A new startPPT,第四部分内容:课时达标·随堂自测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.In my spare time, I like to play ______(羽毛球). 2.His favorite______(乐队) will perform in our city. 3.At weekends he takes______(钢琴) lessons. 4.We reached a______(阶段) where we had to accept our failure. 5.It is beyond______(争论) that our football team will win. 6.They talked about all kinds of______(话题) in the English corner. 7.Dolphins are animals which are very______(聪明的). 8.I felt______(恐惧的) at the terrible scene. 9.He was______(选择) to represent our class at the meeting. 10.The ______(时刻) are rare that he can spend a whole day with his family. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.______my view, it's a much better choice. 2.When we have made a decision, we should go______out for it. 3.I catch sight______my friend in the crowd. 4.After______ (graduate), he set up his own business. 5.He is eager to have an opportunity ______(have) a holiday. 6.He is a man of high______(intelligent). Ⅲ.课文语法填空 Lisa is talking with an 1. ______(interview) about her senior high school. She feels as if high school 2.______(be) only yesterday. She thinks Orientation Day is a fantastic opportunity 3.______(get) to know the school and the other students. She kept 4. ______open mind and took part in 5.______much as possible. When she met with difficulties, she went all out and tried again and again. Once she wasn't 6.______ (select) for the end­of­year competition. At first she felt disappointed but 7.______(late) she realized she joined the team not for 8.______(win) but for the love of the sport. Looking back at her high school life, she thinks the 9.______(important) advice is to give your friend a hand when they need 10.______. 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,A new startPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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