《A new start》Section ⅡPPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67415
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1841 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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《A new start》Section ⅡPPT下载-预览图07


外研版(2019)英语必修第一册《A new start》Section ⅡPPT下载
《A new start》Section ⅡPPT下载 第一部分内容:新知感悟 重点单词 基础词汇 1.____________ n.  乐队,乐团 2. ____________ n.  讨论,辩论 3. ____________ n.  舞台 4. ____________ n.  话题,论题 5. ____________ v.  查明,调查 6. ____________ n.  (一次)观看 7. ____________ n.  机会,时机 8. ____________ n.  看到,看见 9. ____________ v.  认为,以为 10. ____________ n.  某一时刻 11. ____________ adj.  特定的;特指的 拓展词汇 12. ____________ v.争论,争辩→argument n.争论,论点,论据→arguably adv.可论证地,可争辩地 13. ____________ adj.敏锐的,聪明的→ sharpen vt.削尖,磨快,使敏捷,加重 14. ____________ adj.有智慧的,聪明的→intelligence n.智力,情报工作,才智,智慧,天分 15. ____________ v.毕业 n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业 16. ____________ v.挑选,选择→selection n.挑选,选择 17. ____________ adj.受惊的,害怕的→fright n.恐惧,害怕→frighten v.使恐惧,吓唬→frightening adj.令人恐惧的 18. ________________ adj.失望的;沮丧的→disappoint vt.使失望;使破灭→disappointing adj.令人失望的;令人沮丧的 重点句型 1.感官动词+as if引导表语从句:I ____________ (感觉好像) high school was only yesterday! 2.形式主语:________________________________________________ (这对于新生来说是个绝佳的机会) get to know the school and other students. 3.省略句:____________ (如果这样的话), how did you deal with them? 4.so...that...如此……以至于……:...but the teacher __________________ (说话如此快以至于) I couldn’t take everything down. ... ... ... A new start PPT,第二部分内容:语篇理解 Read the passage on Page 9 and choose the best answer. 1.What is the passage mainly about? A.Lisa’s going to college. B.The helpful Orientation Day.  C.Lisa’s advice about high school.  D.Being a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 2.What is NOT true about the Orientation Day for Lisa? A.Being useful for all the students. B.Knowing the school better.  C.Making more friends. D.Starting a new course. 3.How did Lisa feel about the chemistry test? A.Helpful. B.Better. C.Scared.   D.Easy. 4.What made Lisa disappointed? A.Failing to enter the end­of­year competition. B.Being a member of the school team. C.Winning the Volleyball competition. D.Supporting her teammates during training. ... ... ... A new start PPT,第三部分内容:词汇精研  argue  vi.& vt.争论;辩论;讨论;说服 (教材P6)Argue about the week’s hottest topics with the school’s sharpest minds! 和全校最敏锐的人物辩论每周热点。 (1)argue with sb. about/over sth.与某人争论某事 argue for...  为……而争论; 为……而辩护 argue against  争辩(反对……) (2)argument n.  争论,辩论;论据,论点 ①(朗文辞典)I’m not going to argue with you, but I think you’re wrong. 我不想与你争辩,但是我认为你错了。 ②It’s no use ____________ (argue) with him ________ the question for he won’t change his mind. 和他争论这个问题是没有用的,因为他不会改变主意。 ③(福建卷)When this happens, the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated ______________ (argue). 发生这事的时候,重要的是不要让一次冷静的讨论变成激烈的争论。 take part in  参加 (教材P7)In the UK and the US, senior high school students take part in various after­school activities, such as club activities and volunteer work. 在英国和美国高中生参加各种课后活动,例如俱乐部活动和志愿者活动。 take an active part in  积极参加 play a part in   在……中起作用 play the part of   扮演……的角色 for the most part   大部分,在很大程度上 ①They seldom had enough time to take part in any outdoor activities. 他们很少有足够的时间参与任何的户外活动。 ②The famous actor played the part ____ a hero in the TV play. 这个著名演员在电视剧中扮演一个英雄。 ③We should take _____ active part in social activities during summer holidays. 我们在暑假期间应该积极参加社会活动。 ④Professors, _____ the most part, are firmly devoted to teaching, not research.  大多数教授都投身于教学,而不是研究。 ... ... ... A new start PPT,第四部分内容:句型精析 “It is+形容词+to do”句型 (教材P9)It’s a fantastic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the other students. 这对于新生来说是个认识学校和其他学生的绝佳的机会。 本句为“It is+形容词+to do”句型,其中it为形式主语,不定式短语是真正的主语。 (1)It is+adj.+(for/of sb.)to do sth. (2)It is+adj./ n.+that从句 (3)It is no good/no use/useless doing sth. (4)It is+过去分词+that... ①It is very important to learn a foreign language. 学一门外语非常重要。 ②I think it is necessary ________ we take plenty of hot water every day.  我认为每天多喝开水是有必要的。 ③It’s no use ____________ (argue) with her—she won’t listen. 跟她争论没有用——她不会听的。 ④Do you think it is difficult _____ him to get along with others? 你认为与别人相处对他来说困难吗? ⑤It’s careless ____ you to make so many mistakes in this exam. 在这次考试中你出了这么多错真是太粗心了。 so...that...“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句 (教材P11) ...but the teacher spoke so fast that I couldn’t take everything down. ……但是老师说得太快了,我不能把所有东西都记下来。 句中so...that...意为“如此……以至于……”, so为副词,修饰副词fast; that 为连词,引导结果状语从句。 (1)so+adj./adv.+ that­clause so+adj.+a(n)+n.+that­clause so+many/much/few/little(少)+n.+that­clause (2)such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that­clause such+adj.+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that­clause ①This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。 ②Mike is ________ an honest boy that we all like him. =Mike is ______ honest a boy that we all like him. 迈克是一个如此诚实的男孩,我们都喜欢他。 ③They are _______ little children that they can not understand what you say sometimes. 这些孩子很小,有时候他们不理解你说的是什么。 ④Mike had _______ little money that he had to look for a job. 迈克没有钱,所以他不得不找份工作。 ⑤There were ______ many good books in the shop that I really didn’t know which to choose. 书店里有如此多的好书,以至于我真不知道选哪本。 ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,A new start PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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