《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67151
    • 版本:人教版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1489 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT-预览图01
《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT-预览图02
《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT-预览图03


人教版(2019)英语必修第一册《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT
《Languages Around The World》The Rest Parts of the Unit PPT 第一部分内容:课时基础过关 Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.They are busy now in preparation for the new ___________(学期). 2.Where is the nearest ____________(地铁) entrance? 3.Our new ____________(公寓) is comfortable to live in. 4.We are running out of ____________(汽油).We must find a gas station before it runs out.  5.The scenery was so beautiful that it was almost beyond ___________ (describe). 6.She demanded _________(see) the headmaster immediately to settle the problem. 7.Anyone,whether he is an official or a bus driver,should be __________(equal) respected. 8.I would like to give my opinion in ________(relate) to this problem. 9.Do you mind _________(tell) me how to use this function? 10.________(go) abroad for further education is an exciting experience for me. Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1.To write a good news report,you have to make sure your information ________________(与……有关) something that has recently happened. 2.The girl ________________(过去常常) be shy,but she is gradually getting active in group work. 3.It is difficult to ________________(习惯于) another country’s customs. 4.You may ________________(相信) what he says,for he is a person who always keeps his word. 5.Susan sat on a chair ________________(靠近) the window. ... ... ... Languages Around The WorldPPT,第二部分内容:记单词 Ⅰ.语境串记相近词 1.We’d better first fill the car up with petrol at the gas station. 我们最好先到加油站去给汽车加满汽油。 2.For Americans,equality refers to equal worth and equal opportunity. 对美国人来说,平等是指价值的均等和机会的均等。 3.A good job description should describe exactly what the person should do and set standards so that performance can be measured. 一份好的职位描述应该准确地描述该职位的人应该做什么,并且制订标准以便衡量(职工的)表现。  Ⅱ.构词法助记派生词 名词后缀:-ity,-tion equal(adj.)→equality describe(v.)→description Ⅲ.句式语境仿写 1.It was exercise for the brain;the more I learnt of a language,the more my brain would grow. 这是对大脑的锻炼;我对一门语言的了解越多,我的大脑就越发达。 [仿写] 你越努力工作,你取得的进步就会越大。 ________________ you work,________________ progress you will make. 2.I used to get high marks in English,but now I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening.我以前英语成绩很好,但是现在我的听力有很多麻烦。 [仿写] 无论何时你学英语有困难,都可以向老师寻求帮助。 You could turn to the teachers whenever you _______________________________.   ... ... ... Languages Around The WorldPPT,第三部分内容:句型公式 1.“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”表示“越……,就越……”。 2.sb have trouble(in) doing/with sth“某人做某事有困难”。 3.“疑问词+不定式”结构作表语、主语或宾语。 1.equal n.同等的人;相等物 adj.相同的;同样的;胜任的 vt.比得上;敌得过 equally adv.相等地,相同地 ...our relationship is close and we’re equals,so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.(教材P66)……我们的关系很亲密,我们是平等的,因此我只需说几个字,就能消除我们之间的距离。 [合作探究] 体会equal的用法和意义 As far as I know,he is quite equal to the job.据我所知,他完全有能力胜任这项工作。 Health is not equal to everything,but lose health,lose all. 健康不等于一切,但失去健康却等于失去了一切。  None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer. 不管是美貌还是在舞艺上我们都比不上她。 His paintings are without equal in the Western world. 他的画在西方世界首屈一指。 [自主发现] ①________________  等于;相当于 ②be equal to sth/doing sth  胜任做某事;能应付某事 ③A equals B in sth  A在某方面比得上B ④________________  无与伦比 [巩固内化] (1)单句语法填空 ①She is very weak and not equal to ____________ (make)a long journey. ②Actually,the three columns are ____________ (equal)attractive to us students. ③Nobody can equal him ____________ intelligence. (2)补全句子 ④No one ________________________________,about which everyone knows. 在数学方面没有人比得上他,这一点大家都清楚。 ⑤Anyone will _______________________________ the job,as long as he is careful. 只要细心,任何人都能胜任这项工作。  2.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问  But if I’m talking to someone who isn’t very close to me,I must make my request longer—and I must make it a question,not a demand.(教材P66) 但是,如果我和一个不是很亲近的人交谈,我必须把我的请求说的长一些——我必须确保这是请求,而不是一个要求。 [合作探究] 体会demand的用法和意义 Soft drinks are much in demand in this hot weather. 这么热的天气,软饮料的需求量很大。 The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers’ demands. 经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。 ... ... ... 关键词:人教版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Languages Around The WorldPPT下载,The Rest Parts of the UnitPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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