《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66287
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:435 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载-预览图01
《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载-预览图02
《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载-预览图03
《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载-预览图04


冀教版英语九年级全册《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载
《The Power of a Smile》Communication PPT下载 第一部分内容:课前自主预习 单词闯关 1.困难 ________ 2.用餐 ________ 3.使适应;改编 ________ 4.simply ________ 5.somehow _________________ 6.universal _____________________ 短语互译 1.适应,使适应于____________ 2.餐厅,饭厅 ____________ 3.feel lonely ____________ 4.get together ____________ 5.move to ____________ 6.arrive at ____________ 7.walk by ____________ 8.smile at sb. ____________ 9.be able to ____________ 10.try one's best ____________ 句型在线 1.上个月萨姆和家人搬到了法国。 Sam and his family ________ ________ France last month.  2.但是它们比他想象的还要糟糕。 But they were ________ ________ than he imagined. 3.但是他没有办法让他们知道他是一个善良的人。 But he had ________ ________ ________ let them know that he was a good person. 4.他在因特网上做了一个小调查,发现微笑是一种通用语言——在任何地方都能被理解。 He did a little research ________ ________ ________ and discovered that smiling is  ________ ________ ________—it is understood everywhere. 5.对萨姆来说,那是一个好的开端。 For Sam, that was ________ ________ ________. 6.后来,在餐厅里,他注意到这个男孩面带热情的笑容向他走来。 Later, he noticed the boy________ ________ him in the hall with a warm smile ________ ________ ________.  7.很快这个男孩就邀请萨姆和他及他的一群朋友一起吃午饭。 Soon the boy asked Sam ________ ________ ________ and his group of friends for lunch. ... ... ... The Power of a SmilePPT,第二部分内容:课堂互动探究 词汇点睛  1  difficulty n. 困难 [观察] Before he arrived, he knew there would be many difficulties. 在他到达(法国)之前,他知道会有很多困难。 We can overcome any difficulty. 我们能战胜任何困难。 [探究] difficulty表示抽象意义的“困难”时,是________名词;表示具体意义的“困难(难事、难点、难题等)”时,是________名词。 Bad planning will lead to difficulty later. 计划不周会给以后带来困难。 He met with many difficulties when  travelling. 他在旅行中遇到了许多难事。 [拓展] difficulty的常用短语: (1)have difficulty in doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”。运用此结构时要注意以下几点: ①difficulty是不可数名词; ②difficulty前可用some, any, no, great, much, little等词修饰; ③动词 have 可用 find, there be 等替换; ④该结构中的 in 可以省略,但不能改为 to do sth.。 There was no/little difficulty in persuading her. 没费什么劲就说服了她。 I found great difficulty (in) doing the work. 我觉得做这份工作很吃力。 ⑤该结构中的difficulty可以用problem(s), trouble来替换。 Sue has difficulty/problems/trouble in communicating with strangers. 苏在和陌生人交流时有困难/问题/麻烦。 (2)have difficulty with sth.意为“在某方面有困难”。 Do you have any difficulty with English?你学英语有困难吗? 2  adapt  v. 使适应;改编 [观察] I have to adapt my way of thinking to the new lifestyle. 我不得不使自己的思维方式适应新的生活方式。 [探究]adapt意为“使适应”时,常用于结构adapt to,意为“________________”。其中to是介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词。 Lucy has adapted to living in this new city.  露西已经适应在这座新城市生活了。 ... ... ... 关键词:冀教版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,The Power of a SmilePPT下载,CommunicationPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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