《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66058
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:333 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT-预览图01
《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT-预览图02
《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT-预览图03


冀教版英语九年级全册《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT
《Be Careful,Danny!》Safety PPT 第一部分内容:Words safety  n. 安全;平安 careful  adj. 小心的;仔细的 decorate  v. 装饰 hang  v. 悬挂;垂下 ceiling  n. 天花板 lie  v. 平躺;躺;说谎 n. 谎言;谎话 serious adj. 严重的;严肃的 ambulance n. 救护车 necessary adj. 必需的 ... ... ... Be Careful,Danny!PPT,第二部分内容:Objectives 1. To listen and understand the dialogue.  2. To learn to be careful in certain situations. 3. To learn some useful words and expressions in this lesson. Words:  safety   careful   hang   lie    serious  necessary decorate  ceiling ambulance Phrases: jump up      Patterns: Let me get the ladder for you. ... ... ... Be Careful,Danny!PPT,第三部分内容:Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What were Danny, Jenny and Brian doing? They were decorating the art classroom. 2. What did Danny climb onto? He climbed onto Mr. Jones’ chair. 3. Did Brian need an ambulance? No, he didn’t. 4. Who is Jenny going to call? She is going to call Brian’s mother. ... ... ... Be Careful,Danny!PPT,第四部分内容:Language points  1. Danny can’t reach the ceiling, so he climbs onto Mr. Jones’ chair. 丹尼够不到天花板,所以他爬上了琼斯老师的椅子。 reach在本句中的意思是“伸手(或臂、足等) 及到;够到”。 The book is too high on the shelf. I can’t reach it. 那本书放在书架上很高的地方,我够不到。 2. My tail hurts a little, but it’s not serious. 我的尾巴有点疼,但不厉害。 hurt在本句中用作不及物动词,意思是“痛;受痛苦”。 His head hurts.  他头痛。 Are you hurt? 你疼吗? hurt用作及物动词时,意思是“弄痛;使(身体、情感等)受伤”。 Your words deeply hurt her self-esteem. 你的话深深地伤害了她的自尊心。 3. I don’t think my arm is broken. 我想我的胳膊并没有折。 将think, believe, suppose, expect等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式,这种形式叫否定转移。 I don’t believe he will come. 我相信他不会来。 I don’t think I know you. 我想我并不认识你。 ... ... ... Be Careful,Danny!PPT,第五部分内容:Exercises  Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. They crossed the road in ______ (安全;平安).  2. _____(悬挂) the picture on the wall.  3. I joked with him, but it was a ______(严肃的) joke.  4. I like to ____ (躺) on the sunny beach, basking in the sunshine.  5. Do you have the _________ (必要的) skills?  6. I am trying to_________ (装饰) my house.   Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子。 1. 你不应该伤你父母的心。  You should not hurt your parents.   2.他试图作第三次的跳高动作。 He tried to jump up a third time.  3. 如果你每天都做一件事,你会达到你的目标的。 If you do one thing each day, you’ll reach your goal.   ... ... ... Be Careful,Danny!PPT,第六部分内容:Homework Preview the new words and expressions in Lesson 14. Role-play Lesson 13  关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Be Careful,Danny!PPT下载,SafetyPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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