《Jane's Lucky Life》Stay healthy PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:66006
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:440 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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冀教版英语九年级全册《Jane's Lucky Life》Stay healthy PPT
《Jane's Lucky Life》Stay healthy PPT 第一部分内容:Talking about it Can disabled people live a happy life? Why or why not? What can we learn from them? They are brave and happy. Do you have some disabled friends?  What do you know about their life?  Do you think what we healthy people can do for them? ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第二部分内容:New words 1. damage v. 损害;损坏 e.g. Smoking seriously damages your health. 吸烟严重损害人体健康。 2. unable adj. 不能的 e.g. He lay there, unable to move. 他躺在那里动弹不得。 3. dare v. 敢;敢于;挑战 e.g. They daren’t ask for any more money. 他们不敢再要钱了。 4. wheelchair n. 轮椅 5. control v. 控制;管理;支配 e.g. By the age of 21 he controlled the company. 他21岁就掌控了公司。 6. telephone n. 电话;电话机 ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第三部分内容:Reading Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What happened to Jane when she was ten years old? When she was ten years old, she became ill with a terrible disease.  The disease damaged her body.  She couldn’t mover her arms or legs. 2. How does Jane move around? She moves around with a wheelchair which she controls with her mouth. 3. What special thing does Jane have? She has a special computer and telephone. 4. Who does Jane think is really disabled? Those who don’t know how lucky they are. ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第四部分内容:Language points 1.Can disabled people live a happy life? 残疾人能过上幸福的生活吗? live a …life 过着……的生活 e.g. He is a great scientist, but lives a simple life. 他是个伟大的科学家,但是却过着简单的生活。 2. When Jane was ten years old, she became ill with a kind of disease.  在简十岁的时候,她由于一种疾病生病了。 became ill是系表结构,意为“生病了”。 e.g. My sister became ill yesterday.  昨天我妹妹生病了。 with是介词,意为“由于”,表示原因,相当于because of。 e.g. Tom jumped with (=because of) joy.  汤姆高兴得跳了起来。  3. Jane is married and has two children. 简结婚了并且有了两个孩子。 marry v. 和……结婚,娶,嫁 【拓展】 get married是固定词组,意为“结婚”。 e.g. Her two daughters got married in the same year. marry与get married是非延续性的词, 不能与表段时间的状语连用。如果想表 示结婚已有一段时间应用be married。 e.g. My parents have been married for 30 years. ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第五部分内容:Make sentences using the given information. Example A: millions of people die/smoking Millions of people die as a result of smoking. 1. thousands of people lost their homes/ the fire. Thousands of people lost their homes as a result of the fire. 2. he lost his job/ his big mistake. He lost his as a result of his big mistake. Example B: my life/ good things My life is full of good things.  1. his room/ history books His room is full of history books. 2. Danny’s mind/ funny ideas Danny’s mind is full of funny ideas. ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第六部分内容:课堂测评 1. The disabled girl can’t move her legs ____ arms. A. and     B. or    C. so     D. but 2. Mary ____ a handsome man yesterday. A. married           B. marry  C. married with    D. marry with 3. She plays ____ piano everyday. A. a         B. an      C. /     D. the 4. I have an _____ grandma. A. 80 years old      B. 80-years-old C. 80-year-old       D. 80 year old 5. The people ___ don’t know their happiness are really disabled. A. which   B. who   C. what  D. whose 6. The children like ____ football after school. A. to play       B. play   C. played       D. playing   ... ... ... Jane's Lucky LifePPT,第七部分内容:Homework Which of these things do you think is the most important: money, family, a good job, health, good looks or friends?  Why? Write a short passage about your choices. 关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Jane's Lucky LifePPT下载,Stay healthyPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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