《Ring Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65924
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:494 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Ring Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT-预览图01
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冀教版英语八年级下册《Ring Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT
《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT 第一部分内容:objectives To understand the dialogue To use the words correctly: ring up        go up    in different ways ... ... ... Ring Up or Call?PPT,第二部分内容:Review Vocabulary  British  adj. 不列颠的;英国的;英国人的;英国英语的 washroom  n. (总称)英国人;英国英语 bathroom   n. 盥洗室  n. 浴室;盥洗室 spell   v. 拼写 pronunciation  n. 发音;读法 ... ... ... Ringi Up or Call?PPT,第三部分内容:Listen and answer. What does “ring up” mean? Call someone on the phone. How many different kinds of English are there in the world? Four. They are American English, British English, Australian English and even African English. What is Brian asked to do? He is asked to write a report on Asia. Brian is from the U.S. Brian wants to ring up his Chinese friend. The pronunciation and the grammar are the same between British English and American English. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct words. A: Hello Tina! I don’t know how to (express/say/show) myself well. Any advice? B: Sure. Why not talk with others in public? I think that might help. A: I know, but sometimes it’s hard for me to (pronounce/spell/say) the words ... ... ... Ring Up or Call?PPT,第四部分内容:Reading What differences between British English and American English are mentioned in the lesson?  1.In British English, people “ring up” someone, while in American English, people “call” someone. 2.British people use the “toilet”, while Americans go to the “washroom” or “bathroom”. 3.British people say “autumn”, while Americans say “fall”. ... ... ... Ring Up or Call?PPT,第五部分内容:Language Points 1. Brian is chatting online with David, a new friend from New York.    chat with…      同……聊天           和朋友聊天是愉快的。 It is pleasant to chat with friends. 她喜欢用电话和祖母聊天。 She likes to chat with grandma over the phone. 我非常渴望能和你再次在网上聊天。 I’m dying to chat with you online again. 2. Phones don’t go up when they ring. go up      上升;升起           如果任何一种产品短缺,那种产品的价格就上涨。 If there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product go up.   我们节目的收视率提高了。 Our show has gone up in the ratings.   3. Maybe I’ll ring him up tonight. ring sb. up  他一到你就给我打电话好吗? Could you ring me up as soon as he arrives? 给他们打电话让他们快点。 Ring them up and tell them to hurry up. 也可用其他方式表示给某人打电话: call sb. / phone sb. / give sb. a call  ... ... ... Ring Up or Call?PPT,第六部分内容:课堂练习 I. Multiple choice  1. Could you please ____ this afternoon?  A. ring me up        B. ring I up  C. call to me         D. call I 2. Because we are different from each other, we did a lot of things ____. A. differently      B. in different ways      C. in the same way        D. difference from 3. — Hello, what are you doing? — I’m _____ my grandparents online. A. chat with          B. chatting with C. play with          D. speak with 4. Have you got any books  ____ science?  A. on         B. of                  C. for         D. from Fill in the blanks 1. Could you s____ this word for me? 2. Sorry! He is in the w________ (盥洗室)now. 3. b________ is another name of washroom. 4. Lily comes from U.K. and she is a B_____.  5. His p____________ (发音) of French words is simply terrible. ... ... ... Ring Up or Call?PPT,第七部分内容:Homework 1. Review Lesson 39.  2. Write a short passage about the differences in spoken English. Preview 1. Learn the words in Lesson 40 by heart. 2. Read the text in Lesson 40 and underline the useful phrases. 关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Ring Up or Call?PPT下载,Know Our WorldPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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