《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65819
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:10967 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件-预览图01
《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件-预览图02
《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件-预览图03
《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件-预览图04


冀教版英语八年级下册《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件
《How Do You Use the Internet?》The Internet Connects Us PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:词句听写 同学们,上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! 课堂导入 Do you have a computer?  What do you usually do on it?  ... ... ... How Do You Use the Internet?PPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现 THINK ABOUT IT •What can you do on a computer? •How do you use the Internet? Ms . Cox:How does the Internet help you,class? Jenny:I like to use the Internet to read about sports and technology .  With the Internet,we can learn about almost anything .  I used to have a desktop computer,but now I have a tablet .  It has no keyboard or mouse,so it is easy to carry❶ .     Now I can use the Internet anywhere! Danny:I like chatting with my friends online . We use video chat! I use the Internet to blog about donuts . There are 500 people following my blog! Some of us are planning to organize a Donut Club .  If we want to have a meeting,I can send the invitation❷online . It’s quick and easy .  ... ... ... How Do You Use the Internet?PPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解 知识点1 it is easy to carry它容易携带 “主语+be+形容词+动词不定式.”中动词不定式与主语有时是主谓关系,有时是动宾关系。可与it作形式主语的句子转换。 eg:English is easy to learn .  =It’s easy to learn English .  学英语是容易的。 The problem is difficult to solve .  =It’s difficult to solve the problem .  解决这个问题很困难。 Volleyball is interesting to watch .  =It’s interesting to watch volleyball .  看打排球很有意思。 She’s very nice to talk to .  =It’s very nice to talk to her . 和她谈话是很愉快的。 It’s necessary for us ________ to our parents when we have problems.  (长沙改编) A.to talk B.talking  C.talk     D.talks 【点拨】采用分析句子结构法。to talk是动词不定式形式;talking 谈话,动名词形式;talk谈话,动词原形。这句话中使用的句型是It is +形容词+for sb .  to do sth . 对于某人来说做某事是……的。由此可知,这里应用动词不定式形式。  知识点2 invitation/ֽɪnvɪ'teɪʃn/ n.邀请;请帖 eg:Thank you for your invitation .  谢谢你的邀请。 We had three invitations to parties .  我们有三封聚会的请帖。 invite v.邀请,常用的结构: invite sb . 邀请某人 I invited all my friends.  我邀请了我所有的朋友。 invite sb . to do sth .  邀请某人做某事 Jack invited me to watch the match with him .  杰克邀请我和他一起去看那场比赛。 invite sb . to .  .  .  邀请某人去…… Are you invited to Mary’s birthday party? 你被邀请参加玛丽的生日聚会了吗? ... ... ... How Do You Use the Internet?PPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It ! 1)Read the lesson . Tick the things that Jenny and her classmates like to do on the Internet .  □watch movies           □shop □write blogs                            □chat online □play games                           □read □send or receive e­mails         □listen to music □do research for homework    □make friends 2) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs .  1.If you work hard,you’ll________ (get) there in the end .  2.If you don’t stop him,he will________ (play)games the whole day .  3.If it________ (rain) tomorrow,Danny will not go to the supermarket to buy donuts .  4.If you____ (go) to bed now, I’ll read you a bedtime story .  ... ... ... How Do You Use the Internet?PPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习 一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1.I think___________(技术)is very important to society. 2.The________(平板电脑)is very popular nowadays. 3.We use the__________ (键盘) to type. 4.Her hometown is famous for the silk ________(工业). 5.When Shenzhou­10 was sent up into space, the ________(整个)nation was excited. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 6.It is healthy for us ________(eat) breakfast. 7.I can send the ________ (invite) online. 8.There are many people ________ (look) through my blog. 9.She likes ________(chat) online in her spare time. 10.Carl ________(send) letters to Jill once a month. ... ... ... How Do You Use the Internet?PPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结 本节课我们主要学习了以下重点内容: 重点单词:invitation 重点句式:主语+be+形容词+动词不定式。 课后作业 1.熟记本课时的词汇  2.完成本课时的课后作业 关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,How Do You Use the Internet?PPT下载,The Internet Connects UsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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