《Danny's Plant》Plant a Plant PPT下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65783
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:5605 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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冀教版英语八年级下册《Danny's Plant》Plant a Plant PPT下载
《Danny's Plant》Plant a Plant PPT下载 第一部分内容:【学习目标】(Teaching Aims)  1.知识目标(Language goals): (1)Master new words and phrases: agriculture; seed; pot; sprout; stem; bud; carefully; yard; at the top of ;look after; a flower bud. (2)Master the key language points and sentence patterns.  2.能力目标(Ability goals): (1)Get the main idea of the whole text in general. (2)Be able to retell the whole text in your own words. (3)Learn something about plants. 3.情感目标(Moral goals): Protect plants, love nature.  ... ... ... Danny's PlantPPT,第二部分内容:【学法指导】(Learning Methods) 1.反复朗读课文,翻译课文,勾画重点词汇和句型。 (Read the lesson again and again, translate the text into Chinese, draw the important words and the sentence patters). 2.独立完成自主学习部分,整理疑难问题。 Autonomous [ɔ't��nəməs] learning independently [,ɪndɪ'pɛndəntli], to sort out problems. 3.尝试完成合作探究。 Try to complete the cooperation inquiry. ... ... ... Danny's PlantPPT,第三部分内容:【自主学习】(Autonomous learning) Ⅰ.速读课文,理解文章大意并 回答 “Let’s Do It”  第1题。 (Skim the text, and understand the main ideas of the text . Answer questions 1 "Let 's Do It".) Read the lesson and answer the questions  1.What did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants? They planted some seeds. 2.What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant? It sprouted a few days later. 3.Why will Danny put the pot in the yard? Because it can get some sunshine there. 4.What does Danny want to send to Li Ming? Some seeds. Ⅱ.再读课文,掌握文章中的新单词,读会写会并造句。 (Read the text again, to master the new words in the article, read and write and make a sentence .) agriculture   ['ægrɪkʌltʃə]  n.  农业;农学 Agriculture is all about growing plants and raising animal for food. seed [si:d]  n.  种子 The head will into the seed. pot  [pɒt]  n.  盆;壶;瓶 I planted one seed in a small pot. sprout  [spraʊt]  v. 发芽 It sprouted a few days later. ... ... ... Danny's PlantPPT,第四部分内容:【合作探究】(Cooperation Inquiry)  Ⅰ.找出课文中的重点句型并分析理解。 (Find out the key sentence patterns in the text, To understand and analysis.) 1.I have a lot to write about this week! To write 是动词不定式,作后置定语修饰a lot.  例如:⑴They need a room to live in . ⑵She has no pen to write with. 2.Now something new is growing at the top of the stem. 本句中new 作形容词,修饰不定代词something,放在不定代词something 之后。形容词修饰不定代词或者不定副词时,常放在所修饰词之后。这些不定代词和不定副词分别为: something ,anything, nothing ,everything和somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere等。 3.I’m going to look after my plant carefully. look  after  照顾,照看   同义词是 care for ,take care of ,take good care of 好好照看 ; 好好照顾 ; 爱护 ; 照顾好 例如:If you look after something, you begin to love it  如果你照顾某些事情,你已经开始爱上它了.  4.I’ll send some seeds to Li Ming. send作为及物动词,意为“寄,送”,后接双宾语,即send sb. sth.或 send sth. to sb.,意为“送给某人某物”。 例如:Lily sent me a present form Australia. 莉莉从澳大利亚给我寄来了礼物。 send for 意为“派人去请”,for 后应接要请的人。 例如:He sent Li Lei for the doctor.   他派李雷去请医生。 send up 意为“发送;发射”。 例如:Our country will send up another man-made satellite next month.下个月我们国家又要发射一颗人造卫星。 ... ... ... Danny's PlantPPT,第五部分内容:【课堂检测】(Classroom test) 单项选择(Choose the best answer) (    )1.You have just read the newspaper .Did you find___ in it ? A. interesting anything        B. anything interesting  C. interesting something     D. something interesting 重点检测点:形容词修饰不定代词。 用法:形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在代词之后。 句意:你已经读了这份报纸,你发现上面有趣的东西了吗? 分析:something 用于肯定句中,故排除C和D; 形容词修饰不定代词时后置,故选B. (    )2. I carried the blow with both hands____, so that I  wouldn’t break  it. A. carefully           B. happily               C. quickly             D. carelessly 重点检测知识点:carefully “仔细地”,“小心翼翼地”。 用法: carefully作副词,意为“仔细地”,“小心翼翼地”。其形容词形式是careful “仔细的”。 分析:carefully “仔细地”,“小心翼翼地”。happily “高兴地”,“幸福地”。quickly “飞快地”。carelessly “粗心地”。结合句意,可知选 A。 ... ... ... Danny's PlantPPT,第六部分内容:【能力提升】(Ability to ascend) Ⅰ.Answer the following questions: What is agriculture? What kind of plants do you want to grow?        Ⅱ. Retell the text. 关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Danny's PlantPPT下载,Plant a PlantPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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