《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:65580
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:435 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件-预览图01
《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件-预览图02
《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件-预览图03


冀教版英语八年级上册《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件
《Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!》My Future PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Learning Aims 知识目标:学会本课单词及词汇。 能力目标:试着用英语来表达自己的理想。 情感目标:有理想,确定奋斗目标,积极进取。 Lead in Talk about  the jobs in the future.  What  would you be  when you grow up? ... ... ... Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT,第二部分内容:New words Lucas   卢卡斯(人名)n.抱负雄心 crop  n. 庄稼,作物 manager n.经理,管理人 business n. 买卖,生意 company n. 公司 creative adi.创造性的 goal  n. 目标 Alan  艾伦(人名) ... ... ... Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT,第三部分内容:Discuss in groups and find out  key points 1. Because it is really an important job because和so不能同时出现在一个句子中,但可以相互转换,because引导的是原因,so引导的是结果。 He couldn’t come to school because he was ill.  = He was ill, so he couldn’t come to school. 2. make sb. + adj.    形容词作宾补,意为“使某人……” He makes me happy.他使我快乐。 make sb. do sth.    不定式作宾补, 意为“使某人做某事”  He makes me go there. 他要我去那里 3. run  a business  做生意 4. lead a team   lead  (led ,led) 领导团队 5. encourage  sb to do sth  Our teacher  often encourage us to work hard. 我们的老师经常鼓励我们努力学习。 6.My dream/ is to be  a/an ... My job/goal/ambition is to do sth. My  dream is to be a teacher.  我的梦想是成为一名教师。 My job is to work hard at  school.  我的工作是在学校努力学习。 ... ... ... Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT,第四部分内容:Good composition My dream  Hi,everyone,Everyone has his dream job.I also have my dream .I would like to be a doctor in the future. Why do I want to be a doctor? Because  I want to help many sick children.I hope all the people will be healthy and happy. Now,I am still a middle school student.My job now is to study hard in school. ... ... ... Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT,第五部分内容:Practice 选择最佳答案: 1. My goal is ______ her. A. to be with     B. with      C. go with    D.  being with 2. The woman made her son ____ his own clothes. A. washed     B. wash      C. to wash     D. washing 3. Everyone needs food _________(live) 4. It is _______ (real) an important job. 5. I hope _______(have) a wonderful future. ... ... ... Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT,第六部分内容:Homework 1.Recite the words , idoms and the key sentences 2.Write a passage about your future with the topic“My Goal”. 关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Rich or Poor?It Doesn't Matter!PPT下载,My FuturePPT下载,.PPT格式;


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