《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64942
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2192 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT-预览图01
《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT-预览图02
《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT-预览图03


冀教版英语七年级上册《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT
《At the Supermarket》Let's Go! PPT 第一部分内容:学习目标 1.) Grasp main words: Fresh, follow, count, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. 2. ) Understand important structures: ①May I help you?  ②How much is this T-shirt. ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第二部分内容:新课导入 Do you want to go shopping? surpermarket What do you want to buy? I want to buy some fruits. ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第三部分内容:自主反馈 (一) 单词(Word): 1.新鲜的adj_____________  2.跟随;明白v__________ 3.数v__________ 4.四十num_________  (二)短语 : 阅读课文找出下列短语 1.我能帮助你吗?_________  2.他们紧挨着....__________________ 3.我看见…_________     4.我正在找_______________________  5.没问题______________ 6.我能够.......__________________ 试着把以下句子译成汉语并想一想这些句型的用法。 1.I’ll show you. ____________________ 2. Mrs. Li wants to buy some fresh vegetables. _______________ 3.They are over there. ____________________ 4.How much is this T-shirt? ___________________ ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第四部分内容:新课学习 Do you like shopping at the supermarket? Talking:  What can you buy at the supermarket? We can buy almost everything. Listen and read ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第五部分内容:知识探究 探究一:They are next to the carrots. 它们在胡萝卜旁边 next to 意为“在……. 旁边。”相当于beside. 【例】The zoo is next to the bank. He sits next to me. 探究二:I’ll show you. 我来指给您看。 I’ll show you.是日常生活中常见句型。当别人需要帮助时,你就可以说“I’ll show you 尤其是在商场中更常用。 I’ll show you the way to the library. 探究三: Please follow me. 请跟我来。 follow 意为“跟随“。相当于go after. 【例】Please follow me; don’t walk around. Eg: There are five hundred students in our  school. 在我们学校里有五百名学生。 如果hundred前面没有具体的数字时,表达为hundreds of ,意为“数百;数以百计的;成百上千的”。 Eg: There are hundreds of people in the supermarket. 这个超市里有数百人。 ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第六部分内容:随堂检测 单项选择 1. The teacher’s office is next _______ our classroom. A. at    B. to    C. in    D. for 2.—_______ are all these together? —425 yuan. A. How much    B. How many   C. How long    D. How often 3.—_______? —Yes, I want a T-shirt for my son. A. Could you help me      B. May I help you C. What are you looking at    D. What do you want to do 4. There are more than _______ teachers in our school. A. three hundred of    B. three hundred    C. three hundreds of 5. I am _______ the potatoes, but I can’t______ them. A. looking; find       B. finding; look for C. looking for; find    D. find; look for ... ... ... At the SupermarketPPT,第七部分内容:作业布置 1. 根据导学案完成预习任务。 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,At the SupermarketPPT下载,Let's Go!PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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