《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64827
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:788 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件-预览图01
《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件-预览图02
《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件-预览图03


冀教版英语七年级上册《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件
《Body Parts》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Learning Aims: 1.Master some new words and phrases. 掌握单词:part, feeling, robot, camera, smell,finger,player, homework,  短语: speak English, play with… 2.Understand the main ideas of the text (通过阅读,合作学习理解课文内容)。 3.能够用英语来表达身体的部分并总结有关短语。 4.通过合作学习培养合作精神和沟通能力。 ... ... ... Body PartsPPT,第二部分内容:New Words part [p��:t] n. 部分 feeling ['fi:lɪŋ] n 感觉;情感(常用作复数) robot ['rəubɔt] n. 机器人 camera ['kæmərə] n. 照相机 smell [smel] v. 嗅;闻起来 finger ['fiŋ��ə] n. 手指(大拇指除外) player ['pleɪə(r)] n. 比赛者;选手 homework ['həumwə:k] n. 家庭作业(不可数名词) ... ... ... Body PartsPPT,第三部分内容:Listen and answer Listen and fill in the blanks. 1. I have two big ______. I can _____ with them. 2. I have one nose and one _______. 3. I don’t have _____ but I can ______ you. 4. I can make noodles with my long arms and _______ hands. 5. I have two long legs and two big feet. I’m a good football _______. Listen and answer the questions. What does Danny want Robin to do?  Danny wants Robin to do his homework for him. ... ... ... Body PartsPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It! Read the clues and guess the body parts. 1. You have only one. You can smell with it.  It’s a _______. 2. You have only one. You can talk with it.  It’s a _______. 3. You have two. You can walk with them.  They are _______. 4. You have two. You can see with them.  They are _______. 5. You have two. You can hear with them.  They are _______. ... ... ... Body PartsPPT,第五部分内容:Homework 1. Learn the words by heart. 2. Describe yourself . 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Body PartsPPT下载,Body Parts and FeelingsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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