《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64808
    • 版本:冀教版
    • 册别:七年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:24560 KB
    • 格式:pptx
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《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT课件下载-预览图03
《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT课件下载-预览图04


冀教版英语七年级上册《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT课件下载
《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:词汇听写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! 课堂导入 A: What do you like to wear for a cold day? B:  I like to wear(colour)(clothes)… A: What don’t you like to wear…? B: I don’t like to wear… ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现 1)You may catch❶ a cold. Danny is ready for❷ school. He says goodbye to his mum. Mrs. Dinosaur:Wait,Danny!It's cold today. You can't wear ❸ a T­shirt and shorts. Danny:Mum,I look nice in this green T­shirt. And I like shorts. Mrs. Dinosaur:Look!It's raining. You may catch a cold. Danny:OK,Mum. (Danny goes back and puts on a jacket.) Mrs. Dinosaur:Danny!Your jacket doesn't go well with your shorts. ❹ Danny:Well,I don't like to wear pants. Mrs. Dinosaur:OK. Don't forget your umbrella. ❺  Danny:It's in my schoolbag. Bye,Mum. ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解 知识点1 catch/kætʃ/ v.染上(疾病);接住;抓住  n.抓球(游戏) catch 组成的短语:catch a ball(抓/接住球);catch a fish(抓住鱼);catch a train(赶上火车);catch a bus(赶上公共汽车);catch a cold 感冒。 考查catch的一词多义。 He doesn't feel well. He may________(患上)a cold. 【点拨】 catch有很多词义,其中有“患上,染上”的意思。 知识点2 be ready for...准备好…… 一般现在时态中,be动词随主语的变化而变为am,is或are。 eg:I am ready for class.我准备好上课了。 辨析be ready for和be ready to (1)be ready for+sth. eg:I am ready for lunch now. 现在我准备好吃午饭了。 (2)be ready to+do sth. eg:I am ready to have lunch. 我准备好吃午饭了。 【拓展】be ready意为“准备好的”。 eg:Supper is ready.晚饭准备好了。 ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It ! 1)What does Danny like to wear?Listen and circle the correct pictures. 2)Read the lesson and answer the questions.  1.How is the weather? It's cold and raining. 2.Does Danny like to wear shorts or pants? He likes to wear shorts. 3.What does Danny finally wear to school? Jacket and shorts. 4.Where is Danny's umbrella? In his schoolbag. ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习 一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词的正确形式 1.These clothes are very________(耀眼的). 2.Don't________(忘记)your schoolbag. 3.Where is my__________(雨伞)?It's raining outside. 4.This colour is________(那么)nice.I like it. 5.We are________(准备)for the party. 二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 wear;catch a cold;go well with; be ready for;say goodbye to 6.Jack wants to go to school. He______________his mother. 7.Look! She___________a skirt. It looks nice. 8.It is 12:00 a.m. Danny___________lunch. 9.It's snowy. You may____________. 10.Her gloves ___________ her coat. 三、单项选择 11. It's 8:00 o'clock.The students________class. A.are ready to   B.are ready for C.is ready for      D.is ready to 【点拨】本题采用词语辨析法。be ready for+名词意为“准备好……”,be ready to do sth.意为“准备好做某事”。class是名词,意为“上课”,故选B。 12. It's cold outside.________your sweater before you go out.  (天津) A.Put on         B.Turn on    C.Put up         D.Give up 【点拨】本题采用词语辨析法。put on意为“穿上”。题意为:外面天气冷。在你出去前穿上毛衣。A选项符合题意,而B选项意为“打开”,C选项意为“建造”,D选项意为“放弃”,不符合题意,故选A。 ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结 本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:  (1)重点单词:catch, wear, forget, these等。 (2)重点短语:be ready for…, say goodbye to   sb. go back, go well with…,take …all out of…等。 ... ... ... Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第七部分内容:课后作业 1.熟记本课时的词汇  2.完成本课时的课后作业 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Clothes for a Cold DayPPT下载,Colours and ClothesPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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