《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64192
    • 版本:冀教版(三起)
    • 册别:四年级上册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2369 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件-预览图01
《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件-预览图02
《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件-预览图03


冀教版(三起)英语四年级上册《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件
《At the Shop》Shopping in the City PPT课件 第一部分内容:话题导入 1. May I help you? Saleswoman: May I help you? Jenny: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress. Where are the dresses? Saleswoman: I’ll show you. This way, please. Here they are. Denny: Excuse me. Saleswoman: Yes? May I help you? Denny: Where’s the ice cream? Saleswoman: Ice cream? I’m sorry. This shop has shoes, clothes, toys, books and bikes, but no ice cream. ... ... ... At the ShopPPT,第二部分内容:知识讲解 知识点 1 May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? may /meɪ/ modal v. (情态动词)可以 用法:may是情态动词,意为“可以”。在疑问句中,后面直接跟动词原形用于征求别人的同意。 联想记忆法:can能;会 must 必须 例句:May I come in?我可以进来吗? May I help you? 用法:这是营业员招呼顾客的常用语,用于餐馆、商店等公共场所。该句型肯定回答一般用“Yes./Sure.”等,否定回答一般不直接说“No”,而要委婉地拒绝,说“Sorry,…”。 典例 —________ I help you? —Yes, please. I want to buy a skirt. A. Does  B. May  C. Am 点拨:根据答语可知,问句是营业员所说的话,应该用比较客气的语气,故用May I help you?来询问。 知识点 2 I want to buy a dress. 我想买一件连衣裙。 want /wɒnt/ v. (动词)想要 加法记忆法:w+ant (蚂蚁)= want 例句:I want to drink a cup of tea.我想喝一杯茶。 to /tuː/ prep.& infinitive marker (介词)朝……,向……;无词义 短语:want to be 想成为 同音异形词:too 也 two二 例句:Where do you want to go? 你想去哪儿? ... ... ... At the ShopPPT,第三部分内容:当堂检测 一、火眼金睛选不同。 (  )1.  A. teaB. wantC. toy (  )2. A. toB. buyC. go (  )3. A. canB. may C. play 二、情景选择。 1. 你给别人指路时,可以说:________ A. This way, please. B. Here it is.C. It’s beautiful. 2. 当你上课迟到时,你应该对老师说:________ A. Good morning, teacher. B. How are you? C. I’m sorry. I’m late. 3.在问路之前一般要说:________ A. How do you do?B. Excuse me!C. How are you? 点拨:Excuse me!意为“对不起, 打扰一下!”,是常用的问路礼貌用语,符合句意。故选B项。 三、单项选择。  Kim ________ a new cap. A. have B. has C. eats 点拨:Kim是第三人称单数,作主语,谓语动词用单三形式,故排除A项;句意应为“金有一顶新帽子。” ... ... ... At the ShopPPT,第四部分内容:课堂小结 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦! 重点词汇:May, want, to, buy, way, sorry, has 重点句式:May I help you? I want to buy a dress. 关键词:冀教版四年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,At the ShopPPT下载,Shopping in the CityPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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