《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64085
    • 版本:冀教版(三起)
    • 册别:三年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:601 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载-预览图01
《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载-预览图02
《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载-预览图03


冀教版(三起)英语三年级下册《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载
《In the restaurant》Food and Restaurants PPT教学课件下载 第一部分内容:教材原文 It's lunch time.Li Ming and Jack are hungry.They go to a restaurant. Waitress:①Are you ready to order? Li Ming:Yes, please. ②How much are the noodles? Waitress:Fourteen yuan for beef or chicken  noodles.Eleven yuan for tomato and egg noodles. Li Ming:OK. I'll have the chicken noodles.What would you like, Jack? Jack:Hmm… Waitress:We also have dumplings and rice. ③Rice with fish or chicken is twelve yuan. Jack:How much for the dumplings? Waitress:Fifteen yuan for dumplings with meat and cabbage, and thirteen yuan for dumplings with carrot and egg. ... ... ... In the restaurantPPT,第二部分内容:Let's Do It! 1 What do Jack and Li Ming order? Read and match each person with the food and drinks. 2 Circle the words that DO NOT belong. 1.A.orange       B.grape      C.juice             D.banana 2.A.coke           B.beef        C.chicken        D.fish 3.A.noodles      B.rice         C.dumplings    D.ice cream 4.A.potato        B.cabbage  C.egg              D.tomato 5.A.tea             B.milk        C.water            D.salad 3 Read the descriptions and guess the words.The first letter is given. 1.It lives in the water.It can swim.It's a f________. 2.You can go there to eat.Waiters will bring the food to you.It's a r_________. 3.It's white.You drink it and it comes from cows.It's m________. 4.It's a list of food.We use it to order at a restaurant.It is a m_________. 5.You can drink it or you can wash your hands with it.It's w___________.  ... ... ... In the restaurantPPT,第三部分内容:教材全面解读 1   Are you ready to order? 你们准备好点餐了吗?(教材P56) be ready to do sth.的用法 “Are you ready to order?”是餐馆的服务员经常用的交际用语,其肯定回答通常是“Yes,please.”。其中ready是形容词,意为“准备好的”,常用短语be ready to do sth.意为“准备好做某事”,be ready for sth.意为“为某事做好准备”。 Are you ready to help Li Hong?  你准备好帮助李红了吗? You should be ready for the meeting.  你应该为会议做好准备。 order的用法 order在本句中作动词,意为“订购;点(菜)”。 What would you like to order? 你想点什么? 2  How much are the noodles?面条多少钱?(教材P56) how much的用法 how much意为“多少钱”,可用来询问价格。“How much be +主语?”是一个常用句型,意为“……多少钱?”,本句型可简略为“How much for…?”。       How much are they? 它们多少钱? 3  Rice with fish or chicken is twelve yuan. 有鱼肉或鸡肉的米饭12元。(教材P56) with的用法 with是介词,意为“具有;带有”。 My mum wants me to buy two fish and we will have  fish for lunch. 妈妈让我买两条鱼,午饭我们要吃鱼。 China is a country with a long history.  中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。 ... ... ... 关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,In the restaurantPPT下载,Food and RestaurantsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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