《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:64070
    • 版本:冀教版(三起)
    • 册别:三年级下册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:1921 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件-预览图01
《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件-预览图02
《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件-预览图03


冀教版(三起)英语三年级下册《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件
《What's for Breakfast?》Food and Meals PPT课件 第一部分内容:Review get up  have breakfast  go to school in the morning have lunch  go to school in the afternoon have dinner  read a book  go to bed in the evening ... ... ... What's for Breakfast?PPT,第二部分内容:New words milk  不可数名词 bread  不可数名词 an egg  eggs Let’s chant! Milk and bread, milk and bread. Put your hands on your hand. Noodles and eggs, noodles and eggs. Put your hands on your legs. Chicken and rice, chicken and rice. Put your hands on your eyes. ... ... ... What's for Breakfast?PPT,第三部分内容:New sentence I like noodles for breakfast. I like milk and bread for breakfast. I like chicken for breakfast. I like soup for breakfast. ... ... ... What's for Breakfast?PPT,第四部分内容:Letters and sounds 字母h, w, r, u 的发音 字母h, w, r, u分别住进了不同的单词家中,让我们一起来看一看吧! (1)字母h 的发音是/h/。 发音要领:发音时气流自由逸出口腔,只在通过声门时发生轻微摩擦。 例词:hair 头发 hate 恨 him 他 (2)字母w的发音是/w/。 发音要领:发音时,双唇略收圆,并突出,舌后部向软腭抬高,气流经口腔,由双唇间空隙而出,但是上齿不能接触下唇,声带要振动,/w/是浊辅音。 例词: woman 女人  word 字  wash 洗 (3)字母r的发音是/r/。 发音要领:发音时,舌尖向上齿龈卷起,舌两侧稍收拢,双唇略突出,气流通过舌尖和齿龈形成轻微摩擦,发声时声带震动。 例词:right 对的  rich 富有的 ... ... ... What's for Breakfast?PPT,第五部分内容:Homework 1、熟记本节课所学句型和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。 2、Write down your lunch and dinner in English .Talk with your partner.用英语写下你今天的午餐和晚餐,伙伴之间交流。 关键词:冀教版三年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,What's for Breakfast?PPT下载,Food and MealsPPT下载,.PPT格式;


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