《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63636
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:1790 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT-预览图01
《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT-预览图02
《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT-预览图03


仁爱版英语九年级下册《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT
《Now it is a symbol of England》SectionB PPT 第一部分内容:新课导入 Big Ben/a clock tower/ the queen of England built so that the people would have the same time Big Ben is a clock tower which/that the queen of England built so that the people would have the same time. the Opera House/look like a huge sailing boat/is the pride of Australians The Opera House which/that looks like a huge sailing boat  is the pride of Australians. ... ... ... 《Now it is a symbol of England》PPT,第二部分内容:Notes: give up   放弃 learn …from…   向……学习 Not only did she discover radium but also she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.  当not only 位于句首时,主语和谓语要倒装. ... ... ... 《Now it is a symbol of England》PPT,第三部分内容:Listen to the passage about Florence Nightingale and complete the following information. Florence Nightingale was born in _____________ on ________. decided to be a nurse when she was_____. went to field hospitals to nurse the soldiers ___________.  was known as ______________. opened the world’s first __________ after the war. died at the age of______, in ____. Her birthday became the International Nurse Day in _____. Listen again and mark T (True) or F (False). 1. She thought helping people was both a duty and a pleasure.  (     ) 2. She decided to be a nurse when her parents agreed.  (     ) 3. She spent her money buying medicine, food, clothes, and beds for the wounded.  (     ) 4. She always carried a lamp in her hand when she cared for the patients at night.(     ) 5. She stopped serving the patients as a nurse after the war. (     ) ... ... ... 《Now it is a symbol of England》PPT,第四部分内容:Sum up Words: prize     n. 奖,奖励 neither pron. 两者都不 nor    conj. 也不 Phrases: give up    放弃 learn…from…    向……学习 Sentences: Not only did she discover radium but also she  won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.  Grammar: neither… nor…  两者都不;既不……也不…… not only…but also…  不但……而且…… either… or…   或……或……;不是……就是…… 以上词组连接主语时,谓语动词都要与邻近的主语单复数保持一致。  ... ... ... 《Now it is a symbol of England》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework Read and practice the conversation.  Write down the key words of the conversation and then introduce one famous person you’ve learnt today. Search for more information about Lincoln.  关键词:仁爱版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Now it is a symbol of England》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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