《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63611
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:3951 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT-预览图01
《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT-预览图02
《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT-预览图03


仁爱版英语九年级上册《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT
《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》SectionD PPT 第一部分内容:Grammar  Attributive Clause(Ⅰ) He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hours in 2003.  China is the third nation that sent a person into space.  More and more people have personal computers that /which are used to play games and watch movies.  Review 概念: 1.在句子中修饰名词或代词,定语从句在句中充当定语。 2.定语从句必须有先行词,并尽量靠近先行词。 3.在定语从句中,关系词在从句中充当成分。 关系代词 指人: who(主格,宾格) 指物: which(主格,宾格) 指人或物: that  Functions  All of you must be very proud.  It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry.  There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.  Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly.  ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第二部分内容:Exercise Fill in the blanks. 1. It ______(prove) that China has made great progress in its space industry.  2. They spent 2.5 hours __________ (explore) and collecting soil and rocks to take back to earth.  3. I advise you to discover new ways to make computers _______(serve) us better.  4. The whole world is ________(connect) by the Internet.  5. Spaceships which now ________(main) use electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts.  Find the words in the passage according to the following meanings.  The first letter is given to help you.  1. to tell somebody about danger or about something bad that may happen  2. to make something happen or appear 3. a person who is paid to do housework for a family  4. sure and confident, without any  doubts  5. used to say that something may be true, but you are not sure ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第三部分内容:Language points 1. No one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.没有人清楚,但是大部分人都认为机器人会成为我们生活的一部分。  certain adj. 1.[只作表语]确凿的,无疑的,可靠的  2.[只作表语,后跟动词不定式或 of, that]一定的,必然的,有把握的,确信的;一定会来到或发生的 3.[只作定语]某,某一(些);相当的,一定程度的;一些,有点儿,某种  4.习惯用语  be certain of 确信,深信  be certain to 必然;一定  be not certain whether... 不能确定是否......  for certain 肯定地,确凿地  make certain (of, that) 把......弄清楚,把......弄确凿, 保证  2.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves.多年以后,也许机器人会有自己的思想,就像人们使用自己的大脑和自己行动一样。  on one’s own 独自,单独 3.One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves, they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.曾有科学家警告,如果机器人开始自我思考,他们将不再愿意成为我们的仆人,而是想成为我们的主人。 warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事 warn sb. about sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事 warn sb. against (doing) sth.警告某人某事  ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第四部分内容:Key Words  for certain–be part of–be friendly –so far–cause–all the time – be surprised at–on one’s own – think for oneself–warn– no longer–treat …as  –between…and  ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第五部分内容:Project Making a Wall Newspaper About Computer Information  1. Collect the following information from  books, newspapers, the Internet and so on.  the parts of the computer  the kinds of computers  the development of the computer  2.Discuss the uses of computers in daily  life and technology in groups.  3.Design a wall newspaper about the computer.  ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第六部分内容:Summary We learn:  1. Some words: certain, warn, might, housework  2.Some phrases: for certain, on one’s own  3.Some sentences: (1)No one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.  (2)In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own.  We can:  1.Summarize the usage of Attributive Clause.  2.Learn about some knowledge of robots. ... ... ... 《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT,第七部分内容:Assignment Read 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned in this topic. Finish Section D in your workbook. 关键词:仁爱版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《China is the third nation that sent a person into space》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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