《When was it invented?》SectionB PPT课件(第1课时)

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63587
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:900 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《When was it invented?》SectionB PPT课件(第1课时)-预览图01
《When was it invented?》SectionB PPT课件(第1课时)-预览图02


仁爱版英语九年级上册《When was it invented?》SectionB PPT课件(第1课时)
人教版九年级英语上册《When was it invented?》SectionB PPT课件(第1课时),共24页。 Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake.        T     F   2. They were invented in 1863.                       T     F 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.T     F 4. The customer said they were not salty enough.   T     F 5. George wanted to make the customer happy.        T    F 6.The  customer was happy in the end.                     T     F Use the mind map to summarize what you and your partner remember about the development of basketball. Use the following questions to help you.  1. Who invented basketball and how is it played?  2. When was the first basketball game  in history played?  3. Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball?  4. What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?  5. How popular is basketball?  Language Points 1.salty salty 形容词,意为“咸的;含盐的”,是由名词salt“盐,食盐”加-y构成的形容词。 e.g.:He didn't have much for dinner because the dishes were too salty. 【拓展】“名词+-y”构成形容词:在英语中,很多名词后加-y可以构成形容词,如:cloud—cloudy,wind——windy,rain——rainy,sleep——sleepy等。 2.Potato chips were invented by mistake.薯条是无意中被发明的。 by mistake介词短语,意为“无意中,错误地”。mistake还可以构成如下常用短语:make a mistake/make mistakes犯错误;mistake ...for...把……错认成…… e.g.:I took your pen by mistake. Don't make  mistakes any more. I mistook Lily for Lucy yesterday. 3.The customer was happy in the end.最后顾客高兴了。 in the end意为“最后;最终”,相当于at last,finally,其后不接of短语,本短语强调虽然最初……,最后还是产生了一个……的结果。 e.g.:They were out of danger in the end.他们最后脱险了。 He did one experiment after another and in the end he succeeded.他做了一个又一个实验,最后成功了。 【拓展】①at the end of... 后接地点名词时,表示“在……尽头”;后接表示时间的名词时,表示“在……结束时”。 e.g.:Walk along the street and you'll find the hospital at the end of the street. We'll have an English test at the end of this week. ②by the end of... 意为“在……以前,到……为止”,常用于将来时态和过去完成时态的句子中。 e.g.:We will finish the work by the end of this year. Exercise 一、单项选择。 (    )1.The woman went into the men’s toilet _____ mistake. A.for                    B.at                C.of                D.by (    )2.This heated ice-cream scoops were invented by a man ____ Lanmon. A.was called       B.called          C.to call          D.is called (    )3.—The soup tastes ______. —Maybe I added too much ______ just now. A.salt;salt           B.salty;salty     C.salt;salty     D.salty;salt (    )4.Did the police catch the thief _____? A.on the end      B.by the end    C.at the end    D.in the end  二、根据汉语提示填空。 1.He met his parents on Christmas in the ________ (结束). 2.We must make the ________ (顾客) happy. 3.The child took the medicine as sweet by ________  (错误). 4.The milk is  ________ (酸的). You must throw it away. 5.The potato chips ________ (卖) well at that time. ... ... ... 关键词:《When was it invented?》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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