《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:63226
    • 版本:仁爱版
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2018
    • 大小:2900 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT-预览图01
《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT-预览图02
《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT-预览图03


仁爱版英语七年级下册《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT
《Everyone had a good time》SectionA PPT 第一部分内容:Ask and answer. T:  When were you born? S1: I was born...Could you ride a bike when you were five? S2: Yes, I could./No, I couldn't. Could you...? S3: ... am/is——was  are——were can——could ... ... ... 《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第二部分内容:Pair Work Suppose you are Kangkang's friend. Talk about what the children did at Kangkang's birthday party. Example: A:Did you/Tom/Jane dance at the party? B:Yes, I/he/she did. A:Did he/she play the piano? B:No, he/she didn't. A:What did you/Jane/... do? B:I/She/...sang a song. ... ... ... 《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第三部分内容:动词过去式的规律: ① 一般情况+ed  ② 以不发音的e结尾的+d ③ 以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i+ed ④ 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词, 先双写辅音字母, 再加ed ⑤ 不规则动词的过去式参见英语书最后一页 ... ... ... 《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第四部分内容:Summary 1. enjoy oneself=have a good time just now=a moment ago 2.Learn the past simple tense. (1)Did you sing a song at the party? Yes, I did./No, I didn't. (2)What did Sally do? She danced. (3)What about Tom?  He performed some magic tricks. ... ... ... 《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework 1.Read 1a, and try to retell 1a in your own words. You may begin like this: Kangkang was very happy at his birthday party. Jane sang an English song... 2.Finish Section A in your workbook. 关键词:仁爱版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Everyone had a good time》PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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