《You must be careful of falling stones》Rules and suggestions PPT课件(第2课时)

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59349
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:113 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《You must be careful of falling stones》Rules and suggestions PPT课件(第2课时)-预览图01
《You must be careful of falling stones》Rules and suggestions PPT课件(第2课时)-预览图02


外研版英语九年级下册《You must be careful of falling stones》Rules and suggestions PPT课件(第2课时)
外研版九年级英语下册《You must be careful of falling stones》Rules and suggestions PPT课件(第2课时),共20页。 get lost意为“迷路”,其同义短语为lose one's way。 eg:It's very easy to get lost in the forest.在森林里很容易迷路。 You mustn't go off on your own.你们不许独自离开。 ①go off在此处意为“离开”。 eg:She went off to get a drink.她离开去拿饮料了。 【拓展】go off还意为“爆炸;响起;熄灭;变质;变坏”。 eg:I woke up when my alarm clock went off.闹钟一响我就醒了。 Milk goes off quickly in hot weather.牛奶在热天很快就会变坏。 ②on your own意为“独自;单独”;相当于all by yourself或alone。 on one's own意为“独自地;独立地”,其中one's要随主语的人称变化而变化。 I'll lead the way.我来带路。 lead the way意为“带路”。 eg:I don't know the way to the library.Who will lead the way?我不知道去图书馆的路,谁来带路? 【拓展】lead用作及物动词时,有如下含义: ①引导;领(路) eg:She led me into the living room.她带我进入客厅。 ②领导;指挥;率领 eg:They will let the young man lead the basketball team.他们将会让这位年轻人领导这个篮球队。 ③过(某种生活) eg:We lead a very quiet life.我们过着非常安静的生活。 ④造成;导致 eg:What led him to break the rules?是什么导致他违反规定? 重点词组归纳 at noon在下午 in one go一口气;一下子 be careful of小心;注意 begin with以······开始 get up to到达;达到 ... ... ... 关键词:You must be careful of falling stones PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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