《It's a long story》Travel PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59295
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:408 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《It's a long story》Travel PPT课件-预览图01
《It's a long story》Travel PPT课件-预览图02


外研版英语九年级下册《It's a long story》Travel PPT课件
《It's a long story》Travel PPT课件 Work in pairs. Do you like to travel by train?  Say something about your journey by train. Words and expressions take care  当心;小心 sir  n. 先生;长官  officer  n. 军官;官员;警察  stupid  adj. 笨的;糊涂的   take off  脱去  jacket  n. 短上衣;夹克  ... ... ... Reading and vocabulary 1. Look at the expressions from the play in Activity  2. What do you think the play will be about? 1. … gets up and starts to … 2. … looks for his ticket… 3. … goes past people…. 4. … gets on the train… 3. Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. □1. … gets up and starts to … □2. … looks for his ticket… □3. … goes past people…. □4. … gets on the train… 4. Choose the correct answer. 1. Where are Li Lin and Li Wei? a) They are at home. b) They are at the railway station. c) They are on the train. d) They are in a car. 2. Who is Li Wei? a) She is Li Lin’s sister. b) She is Li Lin’s friend. c) He is Li Lin’s father.  d) He is Li Lin’s classmate. 3. Why is the elderly man sitting in Li Lin’s seat? a) Because he did not buy a ticket. b) Because he is too tired to move. c) Because he thinks it is his seat. d) Because he cannot find his seat. ... ... ... Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.  afraid     miss    officer    sir        take care      take off Li Lin says goodbye to his sister Li Wei. Li Lin says that he will (1) _____ his family, and Li Wei tells him to (2) __________.  When Li Lin gets on the train, he sees an elderly man sitting in his seat. He politely calls the elderly man (3) ______ and says he is (4) ________ the elderly man is sitting in his seat. The ticket (5) ________ arrives and explains the mistake.  Li Lin kindly offers to change seats with the elderly man, and goes to Car 9. There he sees his friend Wen Peng, who is happy to see him and tells him to (6) ________ his jacket, sit down and make himself comfortable.  Writing Write a short play about a trip you have made. Think about: ●when and where you went ●how you travelled ●who travelled with you  ●what happened during the trip ●how the story ended ... ... ... Language points 1.Car 9, Seat 12A.  9车厢,12A座。 这里的car指火车车厢。 e.g. She went to the dining car for lunch.    她去餐车车厢吃午饭了。 2. Please have your tickets ready. 请大家准备好车票。 have sth. ready表示“把某物准备好”。      e.g. We had a room ready for you. 我们给你准备了一个房间。 3. Oh, it’s a long story… 哦,说来话长…… it’s a long story常用在口语中,表示某 事可能很复杂,一言难尽。 e.g. –Why have you only got one shoe on? 你为什么只穿了一只鞋? – It’s a long story. 说起来话可就长了。 ... ... ... Grammar 数词 对于数词,主要需掌握两点:一是基数词与序数词的表达方式,二是数词的基本用法。 1. 基数词与序数词 注意基数词与序数词的不同写法,尤其要注意以下几组: one-first; two-second; three-third four-fourth; fourteen-fourteenth; forty-fortieth five-fifth; eight-eighth; nine-ninth; twelve-twelfth 2. 数词的用法 英语中数词可以在句子作定语、主语、宾语、状语等。 (1) 作定语 He has three children, and they all go to Park School. 他有三个孩子,都在帕克学校上学。 (2) 作主语 In this accident, four were killed and fifteen were badly wounded. 在这场事故中,4人丧生,15人重伤。 (3) 作宾语 He has eaten two eggs and I have eaten three. 他吃了两个鸡蛋,我吃了三个。   (第一个数词作定语,第二个数词作宾语) ... ... ... 中考链接 1. There are _______ people shopping in the new supermarket, because it is on sale. (2014来宾) A. four hundreds B. four hundred of  C. hundred of D. hundreds of  2. ______ month of the year is May. (2014天津) A. Two       B. The second        C. Five       D. The fifth 3. –Which is the biggest number of the four?  –_______. (2014黔西南州) A. One third    B. Two thirds       C. A half         D. A quarter 4. Christmas Day is on ______ of December. (2014聊城) A. twenty-five     B. the twenty-five     C. twenty-fifth    D. the twenty-fifth ... ... ... 关键词:《It's a long story》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《It's a long story》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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