《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》Photos PPT课件3

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59251
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:九年级上册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:857 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》Photos PPT课件3-预览图01
《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》Photos PPT课件3-预览图02


外研版英语九年级上册《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》Photos PPT课件3
《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》Photos PPT课件3 Words review bet   v. 打赌;下赌注 you bet    的确;当然;一定 the thing is   答案是;问题是 general  adj. 整体的;普遍的 standard   n. 标准;水准 feeling  n. 感觉;直觉看法 difficulty   n. 困难;困境 subject  n. 主题 add   v. 添加 recently  adv.最近;近来 menu   n. 菜单 be in with chance  有可能;有机会 ... ... ... Objectives 1. To listen and understand the conversation including attributive clause with who 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions  3. To be able to talk about one’s competition experiences  Focus on Words: general    standard    feeling    difficulty   subject   add   recently   menu Phrases:  be in with a chance      the general standard of…        Patterns: He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year! The one who took photos at the school dance? ... ... ... Listen and complete the sentences. 1. The boy ____________ is the guitar player. 2. The boy _____________ is the singer. 3. The boy _____________ is the drummer. Listen and answer the questions. 1.He won the photo competition. 2.Home and Away. 3.Cambridge. 4.Take some photos of Beijing and add some photos of Cambridge taken recently. 5.It’s a good idea. ... ... ... Language points 1. You bet!当然了! You bet!意为“的确;当然;一定”。例如: — Are you coming to the party? — You bet! — 你来参加晚会吗? — 当然来。 2. I’m sure you’re in with a chance! 我肯定你有获胜的机会! be in with a chance是非正式英式英语,表示“有可能;有机会”。 I think I’m in with a chance of getting the job. 我认为我有可能获得这份工作。 I think we’re in with a good chance of beating them. 我认为我们很有可能打败他们。 ... ... ... Pronunciation and speaking 英语连读的规则: 1. “辅音+元音”型(即相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头) eg: Please pick it up. Not at all. 2. “辅音+半元音”型(即前一个词以元音开头,后一个词以/j/,/w/开头) eg: Thank you. Did you get there late again? 3. “元音+元音”型(即前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个词往往要自然而不间断地连读) eg: It will take you three hours to walk there.  I am Chinese. 注意:若前一个词的结尾和后一个词的开头相同,这两个词要连读。 eg: nice song ... ... ... 总结回顾 本课时主要短语和句型 1. be in with a chance 2. solve the difficulty 3. The thing is 4. You bet! 5. He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year! 6. — There is a basketball player who’s scoring point. — Is it in Module 8? Spelling Bee Now 2 mins to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese standard    general    recently     menu     difficulty     feeling    subject      2. Chinese-English  打赌;下赌注   添加   有可能;有机会 ... ... ... Ⅰ. 用方框里所给词的正确形式填空。 subject      recently      add be in with a chance 1. I think he is _________ to win the table tennis competition. 2. If the tea is too strong, ________ some more water. 3. What did she say on the _______ of money? 4. In ______ years there have been many changes. Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子。 1. 正在写字的那个男孩是我的弟弟。 The boy who is writing is my younger brother. 2. 我喜欢我妈妈给我买的这些书。 I like the books which my mother bought for me. 3. 麦克是来自英国的众多男孩中的一个。 Mike is one of the boys who are from England. ... ... ... Homework 1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2. 2. Search for some world-famous awards on photography. 关键词:《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《He's the boy who won the photo competition last year!》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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