《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59063
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1400 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件-预览图01
《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件-预览图02
《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件-预览图03


外研版英语八年级下册《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件
《I hope that you can join us one day》On the radio PPT课件 Warming-up Do you like listening to the radio programmes? What kind of programs do you like? I like watching/listening to… I don’t like/hate watching/listening to…  ... ... ... Teaching aims 1. Teaching aims: To be able to give advice and warnings, and get specific information from the conversation To be able to talk about radio programmes 2. Main contents: Key vocabulary  director, show, around, show sb. around,  on air, avoid, national, international, interview Key structures  And we should avoid making any noise in the background! Remember what I said: we need to keep quiet if the red light is on. I think you need to speak English really well. ... ... ... Words and expressions /də'rektə;daI'rektə/ 导演;主管;经理  n.  director /ʃəʊ/  引领;带领  v.  show /ə'raʊnd/ 到处;向各处  adv. around          带某人参观;给某人做向导 show sb. around          (广播或电视)播出  on air /ə'vɔId/ 避免;防止   v.  avoid ... ... ... Focus on Words:  director   show   around    avoid  background      national international     interview Phrases: show sb. around     on air Patterns: Come this way. It gets crazy in here… That’s great news! ... ... ... Listening and vocabulary 1. Listen and check (√ ) the types of news you hear. culture    government      sports               weather 2. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. Zhang Li reads ___________________ on Radio Beijing. 2. The president of Russia will stay in China for __________. 3. The match is between ______ and _________. ... ... ... Listen and answer. 1. Where are Lingling and Tony? They are at Radio Beijing. 2. What are they doing? They are visiting the radio station. 3. Who is Chen Huan? She/He is the news director at Radio Beijing. 4. What is the news while they are at the radio station? Germany has won the football match,2-1 against England. ... ... ... 3. Listen and read.  Chen Huan: Hi, everybody. I’m the new director at Radio Beijing. Lingling: Thank you for showing us around. Chen Huan: No problem! Now, come this way.  Look at the red light. When it's on, it means we're on air. And we should avoid making any noise in the background. Tony: OK. Chen Huan: This is the newsroom. We collect the latest national and international news and write reports here. It gets crazy in here just before the programme begins. Lingling: How can I become a presenter? Chen Huan: I think you need to speak English well. So keep studying, and I hope you can join us one day.  Tony: What about the sports news?  Chen Huan: That’s over there. And it is where  ... ... ... Language points 1.I’m the news director at Radio Beijing.  我是北京广播电台新闻部的主任。 director “导演,主管,经理”。是名词。 动词为direct, 意 为“指导,导演,管理”。 We went back and reported our findings to director.   我们回去把调查的结果向经理汇报了. The film was directed by Howard Hawks. 该影片是由霍华德·霍克斯导演的。 2. Now, come this way. 没关系,现在请走这边。 come this way   这边走 Come this way , if you please . 如果您愿意,请这边走。 Please come this way. We'll go in by that door. 请这边走,我们从那扇门进去。 ... ... ... Complete the sentences with the words in the box. avoid     background    international    interviews   national 1. Newspapers and television programmes often have ________with famous people. 2. More and more ________ students are coming to China to learn Chinese. 3. Every country has its own ________hero — a person who did something very important for the country and its people. 4. Try to _______ drinking too much tea or coffee, or you will not be able to sleep well. 5. Could you speak a little bit louder,please?   It is very noisy in the ________. . ... ... ... Exercise 一、单项选择题。 1. He is the famous ______ of Harry Potter. A. direct   B. director  C. act    D. reporter 2. The radio is _____, and we can hear the news now. A. in air    B. on air   C. to air   D. by air 3. Which of the following is not right?  ____  A. Is there any need for you to go there? B. Does he need any help? C. The house needs repairing.  D. The garden needs to tidy.  4. No matter how hard it is, we’ll Keep ____until we make it.  A. failed   B. failing    C. tried  D. trying   ... ... ... 二、根据句意和汉语提示写单词。 1. He is a famous _________ (导演). 2. I want to be a __________ (主持人) in the future. 3. There will be an _____________ ( 国际的) meeting next week. 4. He has a strong political ___________(背景). 5. He has an ____________ (访谈) next Thursday for a job. 三、 完成下列英语句子。 1. 她有礼貌地带我们参观她家。  She was gracious enough to ______ ________her home.   2. 我最喜欢的节目正在直播。 My favorite programme is ____ _____. 3. 他们把电影院当成聊天的场所了,不知道在电影院要保持安静吗? They thought cinema is a chatting place, don’t they know to ______ ______ (保持安静) in cinema?   ... ... ... Homework 用英语或汉语介绍你知道的著名主持人。 例如:何炅,中国知名主持人,北京外国语大学教师。自1998年起,主持湖南卫视的《快乐大本营》栏目长达十余年。此外,曾主演《正德演义》等影视剧尤其2004年发行的歌曲《栀子花开》深受好评. 关键词:《I hope that you can join us one day》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I hope that you can join us one day》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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