《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT课件下载

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59031
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:403 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT课件下载-预览图01
《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT课件下载-预览图02


外研版英语八年级下册《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT课件下载
外研版八年级英语下册《We thought somebody was moving about》Time off PPT课件下载,共19页。 Look at the photo and write down words that can best describe it. stone, tall ,dangerous beautiful, strange, many various(多样的),different,great charming(有吸引力的) attractive (有吸引力的)… Work in pairs. What do you know about Zhangjiajie? Can you answer the questions? 1.Where is it? It’s in Hunan Province. 2.How large is it? It’s about 480 square kilometres. 3. Where can you stay? You can stay in camps or hotels. 4. What animals can you see? You can see monkeys and other animals. 5. What is the most famous thing to see? The tall, strangely-shaped rocks are the most famous things to see. Language Points 1. I’m having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie. 我在张家界玩得很开心。 have a wonderful time   玩得高兴 have a great(good) time / enjoy oneself  玩得愉快 e.g:  Sally said that she had a good time ( enjoyed herself) in Beijing last week.    萨莉说她上周在北京玩得很高兴。 2. Some of them look like humans while others look like wild animals. 它们中的一些看上去像人,另一些像野生动物。 some… others… 一些……,另一些…… e.g.:Some students are playing games, and others are playing chess. 一些同学在做游戏,其他的同学在下象棋。 3. Last night we camped by a small lake. 昨晚我们在一个小湖边宿营。 by a small lake    “by…” 在一边/旁 e.g :  I’m standing by the desk. 我站在课桌旁。 当堂小练 一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空。 1.There’s a narrow p_________through the forest. 2.He looks a_________but finds nothing strange in his room. 3.Don’t p_________my hair.It is painful(痛的). 4.The clouds in the sky have many _________(外形,形状). 5.—__________________ (某人) is waiting for you at the school gate, Mr Liu. —Thank you for telling me. 二、单项填空。 (  )1.Joe is hard-working,__________ his brother is very lazy. A.because  B.while   C.so    D./ (  )2.He promised__________ his old friend during his stay in Foshan. A.see  B.seeing  C.saw  D.to see (  )3.Chongming Island is__________ island in China. A.the third large   B.the third largest   C.third large  D.third largest ... ... ... 关键词:《We thought somebody was moving about》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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