《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT教学课件

  • 2024-07-02
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:59011
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2021
    • 大小:351 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT教学课件-预览图01
《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT教学课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级下册《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT教学课件
外研版八年级英语下册《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》Summer in Los Angeles PPT教学课件,共46页。 课 前 预 习 必背单词 名词 1.文化 ____________   2.客人;宾客____________   3.友谊;友好____________  形容词 确定的;无疑的 ____________  动词 1.持续;延续 ____________         2.提供;供应 ____________ 3.更喜爱;钟爱 ____________   4.填满;填充 ____________  5.视……而定____________  常用短语 1.了解   learn about 2.同时   at the same time 3.取决于;决定于   depend on 4.参与他们的日常生活   take part in their daily life 5.和某人建立(亲密的)友谊   form(close)friendships with sb. 经典句型 我们可以给你提供很棒的夏令营英语课程。 We can offer you great summer English courses. 在美国,你肯定会得到最好的英语学习经历和生活经历。 You are certain to get the best possible experience of English learning and life in the US. 课 堂 导 学 It depends on your personal choice.这取决于你个人的选择。 depend on“取决于”,其后接名词、代词或动名词,相当于 depend upon。如: 什么时候去野营取决于天气。 We provide books, and we set tests every week to check your progress. 我们提供课本,而且我们每周有测验来检测你的进步。 provide是动词,意为“提供,供给,供应”,常用短语:provide sth.for sb.=provide sb.with sth., “为某人提供某物”。 Many families form close friendships with the students and stay in touch with them. 许多家庭和学生建立了亲密的友谊并与他们保持联系。 巩 固 提 升 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 1.Now many western people are interested in Chinese c_______. 2.Our school has one t____________ every month to check the students' learning level. 3.We've been friends for many years.I really value our f____________ more than anything else. 4.We must be polite when the g__________ come to our home. 5.Everyone is c____________ to go to the university some day if he studies hard. 6.The hotel will ____________ (提供)breakfast for free during your stay. 7.Mr Smith's students have made great p__________ this term. 8.Read the form carefully before ____________(填写) it. 9.Computers play an important role in our d____________ life. 10.We p____________ quality to quantity when we bought toys for our babies. ... ... ... 关键词:《Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!》PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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