《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT优质课件

  • 2024-07-02
  • 29次
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  • 25金币
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:58712
    • 版本:外研版
    • 册别:八年级上册
    • 等级:精品
    • 年份:2022
    • 大小:1235 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT优质课件-预览图01
《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT优质课件-预览图02


外研版英语八年级上册《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT优质课件
外研版八年级英语上册《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT优质课件,共31页。 Now check(√)the true sentences. 1. This week’s match is more exciting than  last week’s. 2. Tony played table tennis yesterday. 3. For Tony, playing tennis is more enjoyable than watching matches on TV. 4. Watching the Olympics on TV was more expensive than buying tickets for the games. 5. Going to the stadium was more difficult  than staying at home. 知识讲解 at all  用于否定句,意为:根本(不),一点也(不)。 eg:It wasn’t difficult at all. 这一点也不难。 注:在否定句中,at all 可位于句末,也可跟在否定词后。 eg:He isn’t tired at all. =He’s not at all tired.   他一点也不累。 在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。Not at all.还可用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。   —Would you mind cleaning the room, Tim? It’s  a real mess. —________. I’ll do it right away, Dad.(辽宁丹东) A. Not at all    B. Yes, I’d love to                C. Sorry, I can’t      D. Sure enjoyable/In'dʒɔIəbl/adj.令人愉快的;有乐趣的 enjoyable为形容词,意为“令人愉快的;有乐趣的”。 eg:The film was quite enjoyable.  这部电影相当有趣。 miss/mIs/ v.未击中,未达到, 错过 eg:He threw the ball to me,but I missed it and it landed on the ground.他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。 I was late because I missed the bus. 我迟到了,因为我误了公共汽车。 She missed going to the party. 她没能出席聚会。 课堂小结 本节课主要学习了volleyball, boring, exciting, relaxing,  score,  already, hurt, enjoyable,  miss,  mind和plenty of 等主要单词、短语;学习了句式:What’s  the matter?;了解掌握形容词比较级加more的用法;学会使用副词比较级。 ... ... ... 关键词:Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis PPT课件免费下载,.PPT格式;


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