《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件6

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:55121
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:733 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件6-预览图01
《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件6-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语九年级全册《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件6
《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件6 How do you feel? Saving endangered animals is one thing we can do for our world.  What else can we do to help save the planet? Noise pollution: loud music, planes, building houses, mobile phones (machines, crowds, vehicles) Air pollution: cars, factories, smoking, building houses (burning, power plants, nuclear disposal) Water pollution: rubbish, littering, ships, factories (sewage, industrial waste, pesticides) ... ... ... Listen and complete the sentences. What was the problem? The river was __________. Even the bottom of the river was full of _______. There were no more _____ for fishermen to catch. What caused the problem? People are throwing ________ into the river. Factories are polluting ______ into the river. How should the problem be solved? We should write to the __________ and ask them to __________ the factories. Everyone should help to ________ the river. ... ... ... Listen again and complete the sentences. Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A. land pollution     B. air pollution  C. noise pollution    D. water pollution 1.The air is badly polluted because there are __________ on the road these days. 2.Factories that burn coal also _______ the air with a lot of black smoke. 3.There is also too much rubbish and waste. People ________________ things everyday. 4.People are also littering in ____________ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones. ... ... ... Language points 1. We’re trying to save the earth!   我们正在竭尽全力拯救地球! try to do =try one’s best to do  努力去做某事 Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university. 为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该努力学习。 2. Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. be related to  与…有关 I am not related to him in any way.  我和他无任何关系。  ... ... ... 汉译英。 你想要做什么? 1. What are you trying to do? 他在工作中其重要作用。 2. He plays an important part in the work. 这些问题都是密切相关的。 3. These problems are closely related. Review 1. try to do =try one’s best to do  2. be related to 3. play a part in  4. litter & rubbish Homework 1. Write a short passage about how to protect our environment. 2. Preview the new words and expressions. 3. Preview the article on page 99. 关键词:《We're trying to save the earth!》教学课件,人教版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We're trying to save the earth!》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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