《When was it invented?》PPT课件24

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54899
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:九年级全册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:1620 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《When was it invented?》PPT课件24-预览图01
《When was it invented?》PPT课件24-预览图02
《When was it invented?》PPT课件24-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语九年级全册《When was it invented?》PPT课件24
《When was it invented?》PPT课件24 Words and expressions 不但……而且……  not only…but also… 钦佩;仰慕  look up to n. 英雄; /'hiərəu/, /'hirəu/hero 男主角 adj. 职业的;专业的 /prə'feʃnl/ professional adv. 几乎;差不多 /‘niəli/, /‘nirli/nearly 2a Do you like basketball? Do you watch basketball games? How much do you know about this sport? Discuss the sport with your partner and share your ideas with the class. ... ... ... Main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1: The history of basketball. Paragraph 2: How basketball was invented. Paragraph 3: The popularity of basketball in the world. Language points 1. Basketball is a much-loved and active sport  that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. 篮球是一项备受热爱、充满活力的运动,为了娱乐和锻炼身体,很多人都喜欢打篮球。 much-loved (be loved very much )是一个合成形容词,意为“备受喜爱的; 深受爱戴的”。 ►People around the world were feeling sorry to   the death of the much-loved leader, Nelson   Mandela. 世人都在为这位深受爱戴的领导   人纳尔逊.曼德拉的去世而感到难过。 2. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. 篮球运动有100多年的历史。200多个国家的一亿多人在打篮球。 over介词,意为“多于;超过”,在此相当于more than。 ►There are over one thousand students in the school. 在这所学校有一千多名学生。 ... ... ... 拓展:over的其他用法 ① over作介词,还可意为“在……上方”,强   调正上方,不接触,其反义词为under。 ►There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 ② over用作副词,意为“结束”。 ►Class is over.下课。 ③与over相关的常见短语: over there 在那边     get over 克服  go over 检查     all over the world 全世界  over and over again 多次;反复地 ... ... ... 2d  Use the mind map to summarize what you and your partner remember about the development of basketball. Use the following questions to help you. 1.Who invented basketball and how is it played? James Naismith. It is played inside on a hard floor. Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other team’s basket. And they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. 2. When was the first basketball game in history played? On December 21, 1891. 3. Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball? Because it made basketball become an event at the Olympics. ... ... ... Exercises 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. During the afternoon, there was a ______ (suddenly) heavy fall of snow.  2. I think the telephone __________(invent) before the car.  3. The _______ (Canada) song Alouette(百灵鸟) is a fun song about a bird.  4. They _________ (invite) to take part in the May Day celebrations in Beijing.   5. The ________ (popular) of private cars is changing the people’s life style.  6. When the bill ________ (bring) to him, he was such surprised.  ... ... ... Homework  Write a short passage about the development of basketball.  关键词:《When was it invented?》教学课件,人教新目标版九年级全一册英语PPT课件下载,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《When was it invented?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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