《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:54678
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:八年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2017
    • 大小:170 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13-预览图01
《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13-预览图02
《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13-预览图03


人教新目标Go For It!英语八年级下册《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13
《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件13 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 德国的;德语的;德国人的/ 德语;德国人n.&adj. __________ 2. 主题n.__________ 3. 短途旅游n._______ 4. 省份n.____________ 【短语】 5. a couple of_____________ 6. walk around_____________ 7. lose something important___________ 8. have/has ever been to__________ 9. last year _________  ... ... ... 课 堂 小 测 一、根据中文意思或括号里所给单词,用其适当形式填空,每空一词。 1. My teacher is a young ________(Germany). He teaches us __________(Germany). 2. How about _________(walk) around the garden after dinner? 3. The old man has lived in Taiwan ________(省)for a long time. 4. Disneyland is an amusement park with a special _______(主题). 5. You can take a _______(短途旅游) on the boat for several days. 二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限。 6. 他还没有看过那部新电影。 He ______________ that new movie.          7. ---他去过美国多少次?        --去过两次。 ---How __________ has the boy been to the U.S.A?      ---He _________ there twice. 8. 格林一家在海南待了五天。        The Greens ________ Hainan for 5 days. ... ... ... 课 后 作 业 一、单项选择    (   ) 1. ---Shall we go to the zoo this afternoon? ---I ____ the zoo many times. It’s boring. A. have been to B. has gone to C. went to      D. goes to (   ) 2. My aunt _____ Guangzhou last year. She _____ there for a year. A. went to; has been B. went to; has been to C. has gone; has been in D. has been to; has gone  (   ) 3. ---Where are the Whites?  ---Well, they ____ Japan. They have been there for nearly two weeks. A. have been to  B. are going to C. have gone to  D. will go to (   ) 4. Don’t put your head ____ when you lost the match.  A. up   B. down   C. from    D. on   ... ... ... 二、翻译句子 1. 我从来没有读过这么好笑的故事。 2. ---你曾经去过游乐场吗?   ---没有去过。 3. 晚饭后去花园四处走走怎么样? 4. 他从来没有到过中国的其他省。 5. 你曾经丢过重要的东西吗? 三、完形填空    A little boy wanted 100 dollars to buy his favorite toy very much. But his parents were so   1   that they can’t realize his dream. So he prayed(祈祷) for weeks,   2   nothing happened. Then he decided to write a letter to   3  , hoping to get the money from him. When the post office received the   4  , they decided to give it to the president(总统).   5  , the president thought it was only a joke from a kid. But then he   6   decided to send the little boy five dollars.  Of course, he believed this would be a lot of money for the little boy.And he was sure the little boy would be very   7   with this. When the little boy got the   8  , he was very glad. Then he sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which   9  : Dear God, Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reasons you sent it through the post office, and those bad people   10   $95.00 from me. Next time you send something, you should directly(直接地) put it at my door. It will be safer.  (   ) 1. A. rich   B. poor C. unbelievable   D. unusual (   ) 2. A. but B. and C. however  D. so (   ) 3. A. his parents  B. the kid C. the president D. God  (   ) 4. A. toy B. money C. note D.letter      (   ) 5. A. At last  B. At onceC. At first D. As usual    (   ) 6. A. still  B. alwaysC. mostlyD. instead   (   ) 7. A. satisfiedB. perfectC. filledD. angry (   ) 8. A. letter   B. dream  C. moneyD. joke    (   ) 9. A. wroteB. read C. encouragedD. collected (   ) 10. A. took away  B. took the place ofC. ran out of D. heard of ... ... .. 关键词:《Have you ever been to a museum?》教学课件,人教新目标版八年级下册英语PPT课件下载,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Have you ever been to a museum?》PPT课件下载,.PPT格式;


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