《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件5

  • 2024-07-07
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  • 详细信息
    • ID:53788
    • 版本:人教新目标Go For It!
    • 册别:七年级下册
    • 等级:免费
    • 年份:2016
    • 大小:1135 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件5-预览图01
《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件5-预览图02


人教新目标Go For It!英语七年级下册《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件5
《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件5 play和球类,棋类等体育名词搭配时,中间不用任何冠词 (a , an, the).但它和乐器类搭配时,要用冠词 the. play+球类棋类等体育类n. play the+乐器类 eg:play football      play chess play the guitar     play the piano play短语 play sth. for sb./play sb. sth. 为某人播放 eg. Let me play some music for you play sth. on (the)+乐器  用某乐器演奏某乐曲。 eg.She plays old English songs on the guitar. ... ... ... 情态动词 can+v.原形  表能力(会,能) eg. We can speak a little English. 表许可(可以)/may语气委婉 eg. Can we go home now? Can/May I come in? 表请求(可以吗 行吗)/could语气委婉 eg. Can/Could you help me? 情态动词must   have to+V.原形 must 必须(主观上强烈语气) eg. You must finish your homework. I must go now. have to 不得不(客观) eg. It’s a little late and I have to go now. 否定 mustn’t  禁止 不准 don’t have to 不必 ... ... ... Can you rewrite them ? 1. I can play  chess .(改为一般疑问句) Can you play chess ? 2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句) She can’t speak Chinese . 3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯定回答) Yes , he can . 4. We want to join the English club .(划线提问) What club do you want to join ? 5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答) No , they can’t . Can you fill in the blanks ? 1.____ you swim ?  Yes, I can. 2.Can your father play the guitar ? No,he ______ . 3. What club ___ you want to join ? 4. Can Lucy and Alice dance ? Yes , _____ can . 5. We want ___ join the English club . ... ... ... Homework: 1.抄单词,四中四英。 2.背单词,下次课听写。 3.背下页句型,下次课报中文听写句子。 4.电话作业:读P2—P3 2d    抽读单词 周三学校下课到晚上9点 周四周五晚7:40到9:00 5.课后练习册 关键词:《Can you play the guitar?》教学课件,人教版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式


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