《Life Choices》Section ⅡPPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67783
    • 版本:北师大版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第一册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2019
    • 大小:2458 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《Life Choices》Section ⅡPPT-预览图01
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北师大版(2019)英语必修第一册《Life Choices》Section ⅡPPT
《Life Choices》Section ⅡPPT 第一部分内容:语言基础自测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1.All_________(高级的)officers involved in the coup will have to be removed. 2.He has been forced to adjust his _________ (日程表). 3.The players had to change their daily routine and_________(生活方式). 4.There's a_________(数字的)watch on the table. 5.They decided to _________(更新)the computer systems. 6.They began to _________slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering. 7.Problems _________out of the lack of communication. 8.Everyone can greatly improve the_________of life. 9.One afternoon,I grew bored and_________fell asleep for a few minutes. 10.The college has a beautiful_________. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1.stress n.压力;忧虑→ _________adj.充满压力的,紧张的 2._________ n.挑战;具有挑战性的事物 vt.向……挑战→challenging adj.富有挑战性的 3.expect vt.预料,期待→_________n.预料,预期;期待 4.confident adj.自信的→_________n.自信,信心;信赖 5._____ n.伤,损害→injure vt.损害,伤害→injured adj.受伤的 6.fortunate adj.幸运的→fortunately adv.幸运地→____________ adv.不幸地;令人遗憾地 7.vary vi.变化,不同→variety n.多样;多样化→ _________adj.各种各样的;多种(类型)的 8._________adj.方便的,便利的→convenience n.方便,便利 9.actual adj.实际的,真实的→ _________adv.实际上,事实上 10._________n.距离,间距→distant adj.远的;疏远的 Ⅲ.补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1.all_________all 总而言之,总的来说 2.from time______time  不时,有时;偶尔,间或 3.according_________根据,按照 4._________person   亲自 5._________to do sth.  易于做某事 ... ... ... Life ChoicesPPT,第二部分内容:核心要点探究 1.expectation n.预料,预期;期待 (1)in expectation 期望着;意料之中  have expectations of  (对……)抱有期望  beyond expectation/out of expectation出乎意料 (2)expect sth.(from sb.)  期望(从某人处)得到某物 expect to do sth.   期待做某事 expect sb.to do sth.   期待某人做某事 expect too much of sb.  对某人期望过高 ①The outcome of Milan­Messina was beyond expectation. 米兰对梅西纳一役的结果是出人意料的。 ②The talks are expected_________(continue)until tomorrow. 预计会谈将持续到明天。 ③I cannot finish this job by Friday and you expect too much __ me. 我星期五以前不能完成这项工作。你对我期望太高了。 2. a range of 一系列;各种 (教材P8)I do a wide range of things online. 我在网上做各种事情。 (1)range n.变化范围;等级;类别  v.  (范围)涉及;排列;把……分类 range from...to...  在……范围内变动,包括由…… 到……之间的各类事物 range between...and...  在……和……范围内变动 (2)within/in range (of sth.)  在可及的范围内 out of range (of sth.)  超出……的范围 ... ... ... Life ChoicesPPT,第三部分内容:语法专项突破 不定式的种类和作用 语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句 1.My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. 2.It's important to meet friends in person from time to time,not just on social media. 3.When I set out to do something,I give it my all to achieve it. 4.My biggest target is to prepare myself for my degree in science in university. 5.I often use the time to review English words. 后自主感悟 不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,其否定形式是“ _______+动词原形”,不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但是有________和________的变化。 一、不定式的种类 1.不定式有两种。一种是带to的不定式, 另一种是不带 to 的不定式。不带 to 的不定式和动词原形相同。 He wants to become a teacher. 他想成为一名教师。 I can help you remember that. 我可以帮助你记住那个。 2.不定式的形式 一般形式:to do 完成式:to have done 进行式:to be doing 一般式的被动形式:to be done 完成式的被动形式:to have been done 完成进行式:to have been doing 二、不定式的作用 1.不定式作主语 To stop the work now seems impossible. 现在停止工作似乎已经不可能。 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can seek. 爱与被爱是一个人所能寻找的最大幸福。 ... ... ... Life ChoicesPPT,第四部分内容:随堂效果落实 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The good news made us___________(excite). 2.The news___________his health is failing made us sad. 3.We can see the mountain from the___________(distant). 4.Prices tended___________(rise)year by year,but at a modest rate. 5.It was a great___________(convenient)to have the doctor living near us. 6.She made the children glad in a___________(various)of ways. 7.Unexpected difficulties___________(arise)in the course of their experiment. 8.The economy is at last beginning___________ (recover). 9.Against all___________(expect),the play was greatly welcomed. 10.I enjoy doing something more ___________ (challenge). Ⅱ.完成句子 1.在交通嘈杂声中他无法使自己的声音提高到让别人听到。 He couldn't _______________ above the noise of the traffic. 2.务必按时到达公园。 ___________________ on time. 3.随信一起来的是他的承诺,他说会在即将到来的圣诞节来看我。 Along with the letter was his promise that ____________________ __________________. 4.这种衬衫的价格从6美元到12美元不等。 The price of this kind of shirt_______________. 5.能够使用电脑对我们很方便。 __________________ to be able to use computers. ... ... ... 关键词:北师大版高中英语必修一PPT课件免费下载,Life ChoicesPPT下载,.PPT格式;  


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