《On the road》SectionⅢPPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67675
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:866 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《On the road》SectionⅢPPT-预览图01
《On the road》SectionⅢPPT-预览图02
《On the road》SectionⅢPPT-预览图03
《On the road》SectionⅢPPT-预览图04


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《On the road》SectionⅢPPT
《On the road》SectionⅢPPT 第一部分内容:专项突破 ­ing形式作定语 动词­ing形式包括现在分词和动名词,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、状语等。动词的­ing形式保留着动词的若干特征,同时又具有形容词、副词、名词等特征,有时态和语态的变化形式。其时态和语态形式如下表所示。 1.现在分词作定语 (1)单个现在分词作定语时,通常放在所修饰的名词之前。表示现在分词的动作正在进行,分词和所修饰的名词是逻辑上的主动关系。 (2)分词短语作定语时,放在所修饰的名词之后。所修饰的名词是现在分词的逻辑主语,分词和逻辑主语之间是主动关系。此时相当于一个定语从句。 (3)作定语的及物动词的现在分词形式为doing和being done。当被修饰的名词与分词之间为主动关系时,用doing;当被修饰的名词与分词之间为被动关系且表示动作正在进行时,用being done;作定语的不及物动词的现在分词形式只有doing。 ◆He spoke in a low voice in order not to wake the sleeping child. 为了不吵醒那个正在睡觉的孩子,他说话声音很低。 ◆Can you see the star moving in the sky? 你能看见那颗在天上移动的星星吗?  ◆The film being shown in the cinema is exciting. 正在电影院上映的那部电影很令人激动。 (2)表示经常性、习惯性动作或现在(当时)的状态(变为定语从句时多用一般现在时态或一般过去时态)。 ①We lived in a room facing the south. →We lived in a room which/that faced the south. ②The factory making these pens is a small one. →The factory which/that makes these pens is a small one. 2.动名词作定语 动名词作定语用于说明被修饰词的用途、功能或目的,常放在被修饰词之前。 ◆a walking stick=a stick for walking 拐杖 ◆a washing machine=a machine for washing 洗衣机 ◆a reading room=a room for reading 阅览室 ◆She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. 她一周在当地的游泳池训练五次。 ... ... ... On the road PPT,第二部分内容:课后跟踪训练 Ⅰ 单句语法填空 1.He often carefully watches the doctors in the ______________ (operate) room. 2.Here is a map ________ (show) you how to get to the station. 3.Do you remember the name of the girl _______ (sit) next to you in the old photo? 4.With the rapid development of China,the number of foreigners_________ (learn) Chinese is growing all the time. 5.Tom received a phone call from his mother _______ (say) that she would visit him this weekend. 6.The houses being_______ (build) now are for the teachers. 7.The_______ (sleep) baby is my sister’s son.He is so lovely that we all love him. 8.Many people were sitting on the beach in the _______ (wait) room. Ⅱ 句型转换 1.The man who is taking a walk on the playground is my English teacher. →  _________________________________________________  2.The girls who are mending the clothes are from the nearby villages. _________________________________________________  3.The girl who is reading a novel over there is my daughter. →  _______________________________________________             4.The man who lives in the faraway village rarely sees subways. →  _________________________________________________                                   5.To be honest, I don’t know the boy who is giving the speech. →   _________________________________________________ ... ... ... On the road PPT,第三部分内容:写作指导 文体感知 明信片有时被称为贺卡(card for congratulation),它是一种印制好的简单的书信,多是节日到来前相互赠送的礼品,属书信的替代品。 增分佳句 1.I haven’t heard from you since you left. 2.I have been in Hangzhou with my parents for my holiday for three days. 3.Could you share something interesting with me? 4.Hope to hear from you soon. 5.I’m looking forward to hearing from you. ... ... ... On the road PPT,第四部分内容:典题示例 写作要求 英语课上,老师让学生们给父母或朋友写一张自己在北京旅游的明信片。要点如下: 1.来之前的想法;2.到之后的见闻。 词句推敲 1.词汇 ①度假 _________________ ②有教育意义的  _________________ ③围绕  _________________ ④应得,值得  _________________ ⑤建筑物   _________________ ⑥文化遗产  _________________ ⑦厌倦  _________________ 2.句式 ①文化遗产具有教育意义。作为一个00后,我有时会厌倦古代中国的历史。 普通表达:The cultural relics are educational. I sometimes feel tired of the past history of ancient China as one of the 00s. 高级表达:__________________________________________ (用as引导让步状语从句改写) ②北京被许多现代建筑物环绕。北京不愧为我们祖国的首都。 普通表达:Beijing is surrounded by pretty large number of modern constructions. Beijing deserves its state as the capital city of our motherland. 高级表达:______________________________________________ (用分词短语作状语改写) 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,On the road PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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