《On the road》Period One PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67673
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:729 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《On the road》Period One PPT-预览图01
《On the road》Period One PPT-预览图02
《On the road》Period One PPT-预览图03
《On the road》Period One PPT-预览图04


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《On the road》Period One PPT
《On the road》Period One PPT 第一部分内容:话题导入 Travelling is more important than reading books to understand people and the world.A book about another country tells you about things such as the country’s history,its people and its culture in a very general way.When meeting foreigners,I found that books can’t be trusted wholly.For example,when I was visiting Wisconsin University,many people there knew China through books.They thought Chinese people were not active,uneducated,had no sense of humor,and all wore blue suits.Through the videotapes shown by me1,they were surprised to find that these facts were not true at all and the Chinese people are outgoing(外向的),of great intelligence,well-dressed and have an equally strong sense of humor.Reading a book about another country makes me interested in travelling.Then I make plans to go and see what I have read about.In addition,people who go out and go through things themselves are likely to be open-minded,and are really interested in making things happen.More and more Chinese travel at home and abroad.Especially the children who travel more will truly be full of knowledge about their own country.I have always felt enriched by the experience.It is only by “getting into action” that2 one can make a mark in this world,and truly live a meaningful(有意义的) life. 靓句运用于写作 1.To help you learn more about Chinese culture,I recommend you to read 300 Poems of Tang Dynasty,in which you can appreciate the famous poems written by well-known poets.(2017·全国Ⅰ卷,书面表达) 2.It is just the so-called inconvenience that displays the richness,delicacy and great fascination of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years. (2019·江苏卷,书面表达) ... ... ... On the road PPT,第二部分内容:读前清障 匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思 [第一组] 1.destination A.鳄鱼 2.quest  B.目的地;终点 3.profession  C.美术馆,画廊 4.crocodile  D.专业;行业 5.gallery  E.寻求,探索;追求 [第二组] 6.previous  A.袋鼠 7.quit  B.本地的;土生土长的 8.kangaroo  C.离开(工作岗位等);离任 9.indigenous  D.住处;食宿 10.accommodation  E.以前的;先前的 ... ... ... On the road PPT,第三部分内容:语篇理解 Step 1 Fast-reading 1.What’s the main idea of the passage? A.Photo blogging is a rewarding(有报酬的) job. B.Pirie Bath’s dream of becoming a professional blogger. C.Pirie Bath uses her camera to blog Australia. D.Australia is a country that is worth visiting. 2.Read the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1  A.The unique scenery of the Kimberley region. Para.2  B.Pirie Bath’s concern about a crocodile. Para.3  C.Pirie Bath’s work trips. Para.4  D. Pirie Bath’s dream. Para.5  E.Pirie Bath’s work in the natural world. Step 2 Careful-reading Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. 1.Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath was______before she became a professional photo blogger. A.a reporter  B.a cook C.a housewife  D.a photographer 2.Pirie Bath forces herself to wake up early to photograph_______ . A.animals  B.crocodiles C.the rising sun  D.bright colors 3.Why did Pirie Bath dream of becoming a professional photo blogger? A.She liked traveling. B.She could take good pictures. C.She wanted to make an impact on people using photography. D.All the above. 4.The crocodile in the last paragraph could become a danger to people because_______. A.she has become too familiar with people B.people threw bad food to feed her C.she is so afraid of people that she would attack people D.some people were trying to hunt her ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,On the road PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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