《On the road》PartⅢ PPT

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  • 详细信息
    • ID:67666
    • 版本:外研版(2019)
    • 册别:必修第二册
    • 等级:普通
    • 年份:2020
    • 大小:1096 KB
    • 格式:pptx
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT-预览图01
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT-预览图02
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT-预览图03
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT-预览图04


外研版(2019)英语必修第二册《On the road》PartⅢ PPT
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT 第一部分内容:教材原文呈现 Hi Amy, We made it!My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent,from western to eastern Canada,in two weeks!I can’t wait to share the stories with you. We started from Vancouver,(1)where we picked up our vehicle for the trip—a home on wheels.It took us (2)where we wanted,when we wanted.Dad did the driving but he has a poor sense of direction.We got lost a few times even with the help of GPS,but eventually we managed to cross the Rocky Mountains.I was hoping to see a bear or even an eagle,but all I saw was a small group of deer.The views were fantastic,though.There were forests,mountains with snowy tops and masses of ice.It’s like another world.  We reached Quebec on the eighth day,where most people speak French.Well,actually,they speak Quebecois,(3) which is a type of Canadian French.The funniest thing happened on that day.(4)I’d fallen asleep,when I heard Dad’s phone ringing.He was driving,so I answered it.Guess who it was?Mum!(5) It was then that I realised her seat was empty!How did that happen?Well,(6)while I was sleeping,Dad stopped for some petrol and Mum also got out to take photos,and you can guess the rest...She was so mad!To cheer her up,we went to a typical Quebec restaurant for lunch.We had the famous “poutine”,which is a dish of French fries,fresh cheese and a hot brown sauce called “gravy”.It’s usually followed by pancakes with maple syrup—delicious! So,we’re now in Newfoundland,the very eastern part of Canada and the end of our journey.To celebrate,we went on a boat trip yesterday.(7)Mum was using Dad’s phone to take photos of the colourful little houses along the coast when we saw something amazing—a killer whale!Mum was so excited that she dropped the phone into the sea.This time (8)it was Dad’s turn to get mad!Anyway,another family from Quebec was also on the boat and they got some great photos of the whale.They’re going to send them to us when they get back home.What’s more,their son’s the same age as me.He’s so cool!We’re going to keep in touch,so I now have someone(9)to practise French with! With love, Eva  (1)where 引导定语从句,修饰Vancouver。 (2)where 引导地点状语从句。 (3)此处为which 引导非限制性定语从句。 (4)此处是固定句型:had done...when...做完某事,就在这时。 (5)本句是强调句型:It was...that...。 (6)while 引导时间状语从句。 (7)此处是固定句型:sb be doing sth...when...正在做某事,就在这时...。 (8)It was one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事。 (9)不定式短语作定语。 词汇检索 ①manage to do sth成功地做成某事 ②continent n.洲,大洲,大陆 ③can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事 ④pick up挑选 ⑤vehicle n.交通工具,车辆 ⑥a poor sense of direction较差的方向感 ... ... ... On the road PPT,第二部分内容:课文整体阅读 Step Ⅰ Factual reading Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1.Why did the family get lost? A.Mother has a poor sense of direction. B.GPS in the car doesn’t work well. C.It’s difficult to find a direction. D.Father is easy to lose his way.  2.What did the writer feel satisfied with in Rocky Mountains? A.A small group of deer.  B.Fantastic views. C.High mountains.  D.Thick forests.  3.What happened on the eighth day? A.I fell asleep early. B.Dad got lost again. C.Mum was dropped on the way. D.Mum and dad have a quarrel. 4.What was the big surprise in Newfoundland? A.A boat trip.  B.A new phone. C.A killer whale.  D.A family from Quebec. ... ... ... On the road PPT,第三部分内容:核心要点突破 重点单词 1.aboard adv.在船(飞机、火车)上 ·People who travel aboard the Bernina Express have the chance to see incredible views.(教材P53) 乘坐伯尔尼纳快车的人有机会看到令人难以置信的景色。 ·The plane crashed,killing all 157 passengers aboard. 飞机坠毁,机上157名乘客全部遇难。 ·When we reached the airport,he had gone aboard the plane. 当我们到达机场的时候,他已经登上飞机了。 ►单句语法填空 ①He was expected ____________ (go) aboard a train to see country scenery. ②Anyone found trying to take knives ____________ board would be caught by the police. 单词一族 board n.甲板 vt.上船 用法总结 go aboard 上船(飞机、车等)  on board在船上  2.engage v.参与,参加 ·Adventure tourism:travellers explore unusual or remote destinations,often engaging in risky activities.(教材P55) 冒险旅游:游客探索异常或遥远的目的地,经常从事冒险活动。 ·Before he engaged in sports,he became autistic and silent because of street gangs and drug-taking mother,and then felt warm in the adoptive family. 在从事运动之前,由于街头帮派和吸毒母亲,他变得自闭和沉默,然后在收养家庭中感到温暖。 ·I would engage for his behaviour should you decide to employ him. 如果你能决定雇用他,那么我可以担保他的行为。 ·Their engagement was announced in the papers and on the line. 他们订婚的消息在报纸上和网上宣布了。 ►单句语法填空 ①My family has been engaged ____________ farming for generations. ②The duty of the manager is to engage ____________ the quality of the products. ③The rich handsome young man was engaged ____________ my sister. 单词一族 engaged adj.忙碌的 engagement n.婚约 用法总结 engage in 参加;从事;忙于 engage for sth允诺; 保证 be engaged to 与某人订婚 3.mass n.大量,许多 ·There were forests,mountains with snowy tops and masses of ice.(教材P57) 那里有森林,有积雪的山顶和冰块。 ·Children in the mass are pretty much alike.总的来说,孩子们都是差不多的。 ·We will adopt their suggestions in mass.我们将全盘采纳他们的建议。 ►单句语法填空 ①The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ____________ (mass) of pictures of them. ②The mass of the people ____________(be) against the government’s policy at present. ③A mass of information on the internet ____________ (regard) false. 用法总结 a mass of=masses of许多 the mass of大多数 in mass 全部,全体; 整个地  in the mass 总体上;总的说来  名师提醒 a mass of与the mass of:前者表示“许多”(masses of),后者表示“大多数”(=the majority of)  ... ... ... 关键词:外研版高中英语必修二PPT课件免费下载,On the road PPT下载,.PPT格式;


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